1| Just My Luck

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Come on Brie

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Come on Brie... just do it. No, that is not a Nike reference.

I tiptoed around the mess I call my house, hopefully not waking the dragon from his slumber. I don't live a dragon y'all don't get your panties in a twist. I'm talking about my sperm donor.

He came home 30 minutes ago, completely out of his mind on drugs and possibly alcohol. I heard a thud that came from the kitchen so I'm guessing he passed out there. I just got to leave this shithole and meet Tillie.
Tillie isn't my friend, she's my drink friend. There's a huuuuuge difference.
She provides the drink, I provide the weed I stole from my sperm donor.
Shhhhh, don't tell him.

I got into the front hall, being as quiet as a fucking mouse. I slowly opened the door but to my luck, it made a big ass noise. Like "EEEEEEE"

Like, what the fuck door? What's your problem with me?

I then ran for my life, literally. I woke the dragon from his precious slumber. He may be off his tits with drugs but man, can that guy run.

I ran into a dark alley, hiding my 5'2 figure behind a huge trash can. And that's how you get away from scary old men y'all! Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

I made my way out of the alley and found myself on the sidewalk, I had a five minute walk to get to Tillie the Hill Billy bastard. Sorry Tils...

As I walked down the streets, some dick bumped into me.

"Oh shit did I bump into you?" I asked nicely.

"Yeah you fucking did." The mystery dickhead huffed.

"You bumped into me, you asshole!"

"Oh? What are you gonna do about it? Hurt me?" The man laughed.

A small smirk made its way on my lips as I kicked him in the balls. He groaned in pain. I then punched him in his stupid face, blooding dripping down his nose and my fists. He reached his pockets, I was 100% sure this man was pulling out a gun. He then pulled out his badge, revealing that I just assaulted a fucking police officer. Just my fucking luck, am I right?

He then held me down and called for back up. But I for one was not apologising. Fuck no. Not today Satan, not today.

~Two hours later~

I sat in the questioning room or something, I don't know the professional word for it. Singing Doja Cat to myself. I love you Doja gurl.

I'm usually in this place at least three time a week, I make their jobs a bit more fun.
A familiar face came walking in. He shook his head in disbelief.

"Gerald! Long time no see!" I shouted.

His eyebrows went down, "Briella, I seen you on Monday."

"Yeah...long time no see! Feels like forever" I joked, hehehehe I love this guy.

"Brielle, we have to talk..." he whispered, looking at me sympathetically.

"What's up big G?" I questioned.

He took a deep breath before sighing.

"It's your dad, h-he's dead."

Authors note:
RIP I guess. Aaaaaanyways I hope you enjoyed!!

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