27| Miguel's Return Party

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A month and a half

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A month and a half. I haven't seen her in a month and a half.
I found clues as to where she is, I have followed them to find even more clues.
I will find her.

You may be thinking "Miguel, aren't you in Spain right now?" No. Spain without the S? Yes.  I have found more than anyone else. But that's because I'm not working alone...

I'm not telling you who it is, you sneaky little snake. Hiss hiss.

I finally found the place. The place where they're holding Briella.

"You ready?" I ask mystery person.


We kicked down the door, running into the shithole.

It was literally a shithole.

An abandoned shithole.

We quietly walked around, pointing our guns into every room.
We found the basement door, making our way down silently. There stood Andrew.


I fired an injection into his visible skin. Making him drop to the floor. We heard mumbles coming from the back of the basement, we tiptoed over to the mumbles.

"Brie please, forgive me!" Marcus cried.

"No" Briella simply replied.

Yeah gurl, show him who's boss.

"Briella, I hate myself for everything I've put you through. Please forgive me"

Briella looked up at him before replying again.


Marcus got a bit more frustrated, he ran his hand through his hair. Pacing around. I could see Brie was tied up in ropes. Marcus frustration was now replaced with anger.

"Come on, Brie!" Marcus shouted. "I love you! Why can't you see that!?"

I peeked through the broken glass, hoping not to get caught.

"Maybe because you raped me, Marcus!"

He what?

Mystery person quickly stood up, firing an injection in Marcus's back.

"WHAT THE FU..." before he could finish, he fell to the ground. Briella looked up at us.
She has a black eye, bruises all over her arms, her bones poking through her skin and pale skin.




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