Chapter twenty-two (final)

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Several hours later, Percy finally popped his head up from the cot that he had been laying on in the sickroom of the Big House. As soon as the venom had been treated and was successfully working, Chiron invited me inside to monitor Percy while he recovered.

"You were green and turning gray when I got you to Chiron," I told him. "Thank god for Chiron's healing."

Percy lifted his hand, finding it bandaged up like a club.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Like me insides have been frozen, then microwaved," he groaned.

"Chiron," I called out, "He's awake."

Chiron clopped into the room, his head barely fitting through the doorway. "Cleo has filled me in on most of what has happened. I can't believe that Luke has done this. He was never the same after his quest."

"Luke it out there right now," Percy said. "I have to go after him—"

"No, Percy, the gods—" Chiron began.

"Won't even talk about Kronos," Percy interrupted. "Zeus declared the matter closed!"

"Percy, I know this is hard. But you must not rush out for vengeance. You are not ready."

"Chiron... your prophecy from the Oracle, it was about Kronos, wasn't it? Was I in it? And Cleo?" Percy asked.

Chiron glanced nervously at the ceiling. "Percy, it isn't my place—"

"You've been ordered not to talk about it, haven't you?" Percy asked.

"The gods have their reasons, Percy. Knowing too much of your future is never a good thing."

"We can't just sit back and do nothing," I said.

"We will not sit back," Chiron promised. "But you must be careful. Kronos wants you to come unraveled. He wants your life disrupted, your thoughts clouded with fear and anger. Do not give him what he wants. Train patiently. Your time will come. But you must decide whether to live at Camp Half-Blood year round or return to the mortal world for seventh grade and be a summer camper. Think on that. When I get back from Olympus, you must tell me your decision."

Percy looked annoyed, but let Chiron leave.

"Will you help me up?" Percy asked. "I want to go outside."

"That's probably not a good idea," I told him, but helped him up anyways. Immediately, I could tell that nausea overcame him. I helped him step towards the door and out into the hot august air.

It was dusk by now. The camp looked pretty much deserted. The lights in all the cabins were out and no one was playing on the volleyball pit. I had a feeling if I stayed here, it might get pretty lonely.

"Are you going to stay?" I asked Percy, noticing that there were beads of sweat painted on his forehead.

"I don't know."

"I think Annabeth's going home, to stay with her dad," I told him. "She stopped by to see if you were okay, then had to catch her bus. She told me to tell you goodbye."

"I'm proud of her," Percy said. "It took a lot for her to write that message to her dad."

"I don't have anywhere else to go," I told him. "I could stay here, but eventually go look to see where my family disappeared to."

Percy nodded. There was a nervous glint in his eye, before he said, "I have to go home to my mom. I'll be back next summer, and we'll go hunt down Luke. We'll ask for a quest, but we'll go do it even if we don't get approval. Deal?"

I had to say, it hurt knowing that I would be here alone without my partner, but I truly didn't have any other options.

"Deal," I said, shaking his hand.

I helped him get to his cabin where he packed up all his things. When he left, it was the first time that I truly felt alone at Camp Half-Blood.

Celestial - a Percy Jackson fanfic [BOOK ONE]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin