Chapter 2: Dark Angels

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Time skip
2 1/2hours later
Commander POV

I woke up and got ready to leave. When I walked out of my room I was met by my personal guards and 2 Dark Angels waiting for me. I nodded and we headed to my personal cruiser that hasn't been used since before our imprisonment. It was and still is the strongest ship we have in our navy.

"Is my ship ready to leave?"

"Your personal cruiser has just finished undergoing final checks. We wait for the final results as we make our way there."

"Good to here, we haven't used it in a long time. I wonder how the emperor is doing. Knowing the chaos gods he most likely was mortally wounded in the final battle against Horus. Perks of being in the warp for so long we have and understanding as to how the gods work and found ways to nullify their influence through a special metal."

"You speak as if you know what happened."

"I do not know what has happened. I can only guess by using the information I have been provided, it's the reason why I could rival the primarchs in battle."

"Is there one you couldn't beat in 1v1?"

"Hmm, I'd have to say Magnus if he learned to use his powers properly, unwise use can lead to corruption, and possibly death. Knowing him he would have joined the S**t squid Tzeentch. Of all the gods he was my second favorite. Mainly because I like the aspect that he represents. Each god represents a different aspect of life. Korne represents survival of the fittest, Nurgle represents stagnation, Tzeentch with scheming to keep progress, and Slanesh who let's be honest I'm sure the other gods despise her and her addiction to any form of abuse."

"Your bold for one who lived in the warp for a long time."

"And that's why we don't use warp travel, early on we found a safer way to move at FTL speeds to make sure we don't have to deal with the warp. The reason why everything is black is because everything is made of an alloy that can repell the powers of chaos in a dormant state much better than black stone in and active state. We neared it Black steel since it's always black no matter if you paint over it. It's what kept the system clean for so long."

"If it's this powerful we could rebuild the spires upon cadia."


"Did I say something wrong?"

"No, it's just, I watched Cadia fall. Everyone did actually. We theorized that if we concentrated it enough we could make a more powerful version and possibly seal the Eye, so far it's only freed the system from our imprisonment."

The walk continued in silence after that and when we arrived one of the engineers walked over and gave the results of the final checks.

"My liege, the results of the final check have been processed. The only thing not fully functioning is the long range communications console. We have tried to fix it but it doesn't seem to want to function properly."

"Can it perform the hidden code?"

"We think it can but we aren't sure."

"Good, that will be all for now. We shall be leaving to meet with chapter master Azriel. As long as they receive the code we will be fine."

I walked away with my guards and the Dark Angels followed us as well. When I entered the bridge the crew saluted and I sat down in my captains chair so we could get going.

"Begin take off procedures. Bring us into formation with the fleet."

"Yes my lord."

"And will you people stop saying that? I've told you all countless times to just call me commander. It's the one order you people don't follow."

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