Ch.6 Drowning

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Author - Alright I just wanna say thank you so much for the 200 reads. Some people might not think it's much but I do and I'm grateful. I'd never really had much attention nor recognition before so knowing that people are giving my book a chance really makes me happy.

...So happy...T-T

I also was getting bored of just doing Stella's POV so I tried to spice it up a little. Just a little.


The sound of screaming tore me out of my slumber.

I look over to see my husband fumbling to get out of bed to go see the commotion.

What was happening? Who was screaming?
I didn't have answers to these questions but I'm determined to find out.

Ripping the covers off my body, only to be met with the cool air of the night.

Quickly getting out of bed; I grab my robe which was hanging on the back of our bedroom door. After rapping the soft fabric around my body. I go to turn the doorknob of our bedroom. With my husband close behind me.

I open the door to be met with clearer echos of screaming and ...crying..?

Rushing out of the room with George hot in my trail. Making my way to the origin for the screaming.

I fastening my pace realizing where the screams where coming from.

It was coming from the living room; where Stella was supposed to be sleeping in.

After a few seconds I enter the room. There she was. Thrashing and crying in her sleep. All the covers were on the floor, and a dirty stuffy that was across the room. It looked like it had been thrown.

Just what on earth was this child so scared of that it had her acting like this in her sleep? What was bothering her to the point she couldn't even have a few hours of peace.

Shaking my thoughts away. I'll make sure to get to the bottom of this. But right now this poor girl needs my help.

I rush to the thrashing teenager and start shaking her body. Attempting to end whatever horrid dreams this child was imprisoned in.




After a few more shakes the girl shoots up with sweat beading down her forehead. Her breathing was heavily like she had ran for hours.

Not even a second later she started thrashing in my arms. Still crying and screaming. I tried to calm her down, talk to her to do something but nothing was working.

"George what do I do!" I called out to my husband; panicking, I don't know how to deal with a child that's having a meltdown.


What do I do?
How do I help her?

When I worked at the hospital I've seen people from accidents have traumatic stress or PTSD but not this. Not this bad...

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. The only could be heard was the screaming. So much screaming.

Not until my wife suddenly pulled the panicking child into her embrace. Holding on to the child for dear life.

Only then the screams stopped. The crying; everything just...stopped. Only thing that could be heard was heavy breathing coming from Stella.

I go to cut the lights on.

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