Chapter Four

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*(Y/N) POV*

"So let me get this straight, you want to go take Octavia, my daughter, to a party." Stolas asked me as he sighed at his desk. The room was a bit darkened since it was close to midnight. I sat from the other side of the desk with a mountain of paperwork in between us. "And this party, it's somewhere you have no idea where it's at, who's hosting it, and no other security detail except yourself?" Stolas said once more in a deep tone. "Correct sir." I responded back as to not push him over his edge.

"And why the FUCK you think I would say yes to that?" He said in a very threatening tone towards as he leaned over the desk getting right up to my face. I remained calm and collected as to keep my confidence in order to convince letting us go to that party. "Well, for starters, I am the best in security detail. The best armor as in a form of clothing Olivia will be wearing. I also have not only a couple decades of experience in dealing with this, but as well as bionic enhancements to deal with any threat." I said while making direct eye contact.

"Anything else?" Stolas replied as he leaned back into his chair. "Yes. The other major factor is that it is better for you to let Olivia go because if you don't, it's not if but when, she'll decide to sneak out to a party potentially putting her into more danger. Not only that, but allowing her this may make her like you a bit more and find you a little more trusting, or maybe caring a bit towards you since she'll think you are more caring towards her." I explained to Stolas confident in my argument.

Stolas sank down into his royal chair with him holding the bridge of his nose in defeat. "Fine, but you better make sure my owlette makes it home without a scratch, or else I'll have you dick!" He said threateningly. "I'll be sure no harm comes near her. And I truly do think this will do her good as in letting her socialize a bit without her basic goth girl depressed starter pack room to be depressed and anxious in with a side of daddy and mommy issues making her mood so sad, don't you agree?" I said as I got up from the chair.

"Yes, just be sure to wear something to cover up you looking human, I don't need trouble. What I need is blitzy's fat dick." Stolas said only whispering the last bit which I regretted hearing. I left the office and headed towards Olivia's room. As I got entered the room, I saw Olivia on her stomach texting. "I told you, we should've just snuck out. Now we can't leave, dumbass." She said in an upset tone. I sat down by the bed a put my hand on the her phone and pushing it down making Olivia look at me.

She was depressed and looked very disappointed. "Why are you so upset?" I asked her. "Well, I know how much you wanted to get out, and I thought that this was perfect. But your dumbass had to be prideful and tell my dad even though we could've just snuck out and hugh." She planted her face into the pillow letting out a drawn out groan. "Who said we couldn't go to the party?" I asked with a smirk. "You fucking didn't?" She asked as her head popped straight up with her beautiful red eyes staring straight into my soul.

"I just have to get my armor on with my helmet to conceal my identity, then we'll be on our way. And I'm sure you guys have a chauffeur to get us there, right?" I said getting my stuff on me. "Yep, I still can't believe you convinced dad to let us go. Give me a moment to get ready!" She said excitedly entering her bathroom to get changed into actual party clothes.

*Timeskip brought to you by the band called "Fuck You Dad"*

"This the place?" I asked Octavia as our limo pulled up to a huge apartment complex. Outside were many demons, though at least half were wolves, partying outside drunken. There was a bunch of litter on the ground as well and very obnoxious "music" playing. Don't they real music like jazz or rock? Oh well, still could get into some fights maybe or hear some interesting stories. "Fuck yeah, I knew this place would be pack!" Octavia said while awing out the window.

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