Chapter Six

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*(Y/N) POV*

"It's nice to meet you Alice, so what are you looking to get out of me?" I asked her. "A deal, full of entertainment my dear friend!" She said excitedly. "Great, so what are you looking to take advantage of?" I said sarcastically. "Oh don't be so pessimistic dear, all I want you to do is burn down the bar across the street. In return, I can give you whatever you desire." She said getting awfully close to my face. "So what did this other bae do?" I asked Alice.

"Well you see dear, that bar is run by some new bloods. I introduced myself to them, but they happen to be quiet rude to me. Obviously they didn't learn any manners when talking to their peers. I want that bar burned down as I lesson those rascals!" She said with flames popping from her. "Ok, I'll burn the place down, in return I want a ride back home, specifically Stolas mansion. You know him?" I asked the demon. "Of course I know the dark lord, do you take me as living under a rock? Hmph, well do we have a deal?" Alice asked as she held out her hand.

I shook her hand as green magic appeared, probably sealing the deal. I got up from the stool at the bar and exited the place. Across the street, there was a place called the "Blood Cocktail" with a giant cocktail sign lighting up the sky. I walked across the street and went into the alleyway. Since Alice asked for the place to be burned down, that's what I would do. I summoned a gas canister full of napalm, usually I'd use that to refuel my flamethrower. I started pouring it all over the sides, and made sure to get the back as well.

It seemed there weren't many people out here, so no one saw what I was doing was I got done, I had gone through three canisters, each one for the sides and the back. There was still some in the canister I held, so I walked out the alleyway to the front of the building. I threw the canister against the door as some napalm spilled out. That's when I got my flamer.

A grey ghoul guy opened the door with an angry face

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A grey ghoul guy opened the door with an angry face. "Hey fuckhead, go litte-" I interrupted him with a blast of flames. It engulfed him in an instant and the napalm beside the door blew up in flames. Quickly, the flames reached the sides as the entire building quickly was covered in fire. I could hear everyone inside screaming as the heat and panic set in. I made sure no one could get through the front as I kept my flamer on, spewing fire onto the entrance. The smell of burning flesh leaked out as the cries of people were smothered by the now roaring fire.

It wasn't long till I could tell there wasn't anyone left alive as all the voices died out. Before long, as the building started falling apart with the hollow building, a car rolled up. It had four seats in it, a grey paint job, and blacked out windows. The doors opened as three hellhounds stepped out and a tall skinny ghoul I assumed led them. "My fucking bar! Do you have any idea who I am?" He yelled at me with anger. "All I can say is respect your peers." I said as I pointed to Alice across the street who was standing there with a menacing smile.

"You! Do you know how powerful I've become? Do you really think you can defeat me!" The ghoul yelled at Alice. I was getting quite bored, so I replaced the flamer I had equipped with Kellogg's pistol.

Hell's Sole Human (male reader x Helluva Boss)Where stories live. Discover now