Chaper Three: Screaming Over Spilt Milkshake.

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Rin spent days leading up to Tuesday drifting through space and time. A particular ignorance racked her brain as she sat stone-faced. Every morning she awoke, the first thought that hit her poor sleepy mind was the shock that she woke up again.

Tuesday was no different. She rose from her bed, a sinking pit forming in her stomach before she even had the chance to lazily reach her arm out to her nightstand in which she grabbed a cigarette between her soft lips, balling her fists rubbing her eyes. Clearing her throat, she shuffled out of bed, attempting to shimmy past all the resting water bottles that she had just thrown on the ground. After successfully doing so, she grabbed her lighter from off of her nightstand, lighting the cigarette as she walked through the house. Smoking wasn't typically something she always did, in fact, she hated the dirty taste that invaded her mouth like a home intruder. Clogging the back of her throat, causing her eyes to water slightly as she took another puff from the cancer stick, a cloud of grey smoke filling the air as she walked through her apartment to get to her bathroom. As she passed framed photos of both herself and her mother, she used a hand to block the cigarette from her eyes, bowing her head down as she quickened her pace.

Her morning was rather mundane as she left her tiny apartment in Richmond. On her way out, passed by her elderly neighbour, stopping for a quick chat, before rushing out of the complex to get on the bus. Whilst she attempted to suppress the growing tingling sensation in her stomach, the palms of her hands dampened whilst staring out of the grimy bus window. Bringing her hand up, using her pointer finger, she trailed her finger across the glass, drawing a lopsided circle before adding a stem and some leaves, alongside dots as the seeds. A small smile formed on the girl's face whilst staring at the strawberry she had drawn, moving her hand up again to add a smiley face to it.

"I know what you're doing with Rin, Bri," a voice spoke, whilst the woman sitting across from her manager on a white sofa simply stared at her. Briar tore her eyes from the tablet laying in her lap, brushing a loose strand of her hair from her face,
"Excuse me?" The woman snorted, raising an eyebrow,
"You heard me. I saw her the other week at the bar. She was telling me about how you haven't been getting her jobs. Is it because she has a bit of a stomach or something?" The woman snorted, while the other rolled her eyes,
"You know what this industry is like, Rudy," the woman simply responded, looking back down at the documents on the screen below her, "fat people don't sell nearly as much as thin people do," she murmured, "the only people who are silly enough to even try to sell people like her are the people who have a few pounds themselves." Rudy stared at Briar, shaking her head,
"If you hate her that fucking much then why do you still keep her on contract?" Rudy snapped whilst the other snorted, eyeing the woman,
"Oh, wouldn't you like to know," she told, "I have my reason's for keeping her signed to me, and you know if it wasn't for her being in the shoot for... what's her name?" She pondered, tapping her bottom lip, "she's the chubby pink-haired girl, her name-"

"Riley, the chubby pink-haired girl is called Riley," a velvet tone called, causing the pair to jump. Briar lifted her head up, staring behind Rudy. Standing behind her was a short raven-haired man, his fluffy black fringe parted, triangular eyes narrowed as he stared at the woman sitting on the sofa, seemingly staring through Rudy almost as though she was a ghost. "I have a feeling that was not a conversation you would have wanted me to walk into," he spoke, approaching the pair, "and let me make one thing very straight with you, Miss Harris. I will not condone you speaking lowly about any of the models who work for you," he spat. "You should be fucking thankful for that girl, she's the entire reason I even offered to hire people who you manage," he proceeded. Briar gulped thickly whilst the raven-haired turned towards Rudy, who sat wide-eyed. Holding his hand out to the girl, he grinned brightly, the girl slowly bringing her hand to grasp his, "my name's Lewis Carter," he introduced, "I'm one of the lead creative directors of the company,"
"My name's Rudy, Rudy Fisher," the woman spoke whilst shaking the boy's hand, the boy letting go,
"That's a lovely name," the boy gleamed before turning back to Briar as the woman spoke,
"It's Mr Carter," the man corrected, the woman hastily nodding her head,
"S- Sorry, Mr Carter," Briar murmured whilst bowing her head. Inwardly, Rudy snorted in amusement whilst turning her head to the side to hide the smirk on her cheeks.
"Some of my staff are still on their way in, but I can only imagine that shouldn't be an issue since only one of the six models is here. By the way, Rudy, there are breakfast foods in the cafe on the bottom floor. You can get anything you want, just show them your ID," he told the latter's face lighting up as she hastily stood up,
"Well, it would be an awful shame for all that good food to go to waste."

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