Chapter 5

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Allister's Pov

"My eyes are heavy as I lay asleep in my bunk, I hear loud thuds and quiet screams but I turn to my side continuing to dream when I'm shaken awake.

"WAKE UP MAN! WAKE UP ALLISTER!" I startle awake as my  I'm met by Dante's brown skin covered in blood

"Allister get your stuff we need to go." he shakes me some more pulling my body up into a sitting position.

"is something going on outside?" I say as I look through the tent opening seeing people scream and run

"yes pack your stuff and I'll tell you."I stand up noticing his bag already pack and on his back

"do you remember the male doctor that was trying to hold that zombie lady down?"

"yea.."I quickly put my uniform jacket on and reach for my bag that is under my bed

"turns out he lied and he did get bit and then he came back into the room 3 hours later looking paler than a ghost, and all of the sudden he starts bending backward breaking his mother fucking back, and lunges at one of the other doctors and then she turned and ran out of the room and bit one of the people in general pop, and then they turned and so on so forth. Now everything is going to shit and we gotta get the fuck outta here now." I follow him as he walks to the entrance of the tent

"the colonel says he has a chopper coming and it can fit 8 people so we need to go meet up with him." he tries to walk out of the tent but I pull him back.

"wait what about everyone else?" I ask looking him dead in his eyes

"what about everyone?" he asks confused

"We can't just leave everyone."

"yes, the fuck we can. This is survival of the fittest man." he tries to walk out again and I hold onto his bag and pull him back.

"well, what about Amora?"

"the colonel said nobody but military personnel. sorry man."

"I'm not leaving her."

"well, I don't know what to tell you. let's go." he fakes a sad look on his face.

"Go without me, do you still have the keys to your truck or did you turn them in?" I pat down his vest and pockets for something in the shape of keys.

"where do you think your gonna go?" Dante tries to reason with me

"I don't know, but ill figure it out."

"Are you serious Allister? You don't even know here."
"I can get to know here if I get here out of here alive, but I won't be able to do that if she's dead because I abandoned her."

"so are you gonna give me the keys or not?"
I finish.
He stares at me for a second before sighing and scratching his head and then looking up at me with annoyed smile

"fuck you man, let's go." he lightly punches me in the shoulder and laughs

"You know I'm not bout to go anywhere without my boy. So first, we get your girl then we go to the truck and figure it out from there."

we turn to walk to the front when a woman is tackled into the tent entrance by a zombie

"HELP ME PLEASE!" the woman screams and I move to back up when I notice red hair

"Jenny?!" I ask surprised

"YES, ITS ME NOW HELP ME!" she says as she struggles to get free.

I put all my energy into kicking the zombie off of her. It falls to the ground where Dante proceeds to stomp the creature's head in.

I help jenny up off the floor.

"Jen do you want to come with us or are you going to go find the colonel?" I ask her

she looks down at the floor as her mascara runs down her face.

"I tried to go with the colonel but he told me he didn't have room for another doctor so I was on my own." she pulls her glasses off her face and shoved them in her lab coat pocket.

"it's okay don't worry we will take you with us," Dante reassures her

"But, if we plan on getting anywhere we need to go now." He says while exiting the tent

Following close behind him, we make our way to the end of the soldier's tents easy enough, now it's time for the hard part. we sprint full speed past the bond fire that is surrounded by people fighting for their lives. I ram my body into an incoming zombie taking him down to the floor and scramble to get my body upright and continue to run side by side with Dante,  as we make our way into Amoras tent I slam on the light.

and come to her bed shaking her sleeping body. How can they sleep through all of this? I shake her again and this time her eyes blink open. I brush the hair out of her face.

"Amora I need you to listen to me."

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