9 • Dodgeball Time, Continued

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I watched him take the hit for Hairo, who proceeded to catch it. I quickly looked away though, not wanting to see what the red haired male exposed when he caught the ball. Everyone started talking about how Hairo was injured so Kusuo and I were the only ones left in the match. He was given the ball because he had gotten hit earlier. 'Good grief...'

{ Remember:
1. ' ' = Thoughts
2. " " = Dialogue
3. " "+Bold = Telepathic Communication
4. [ ] = Point of View or Date&Time
5. { } = Author Notes
6. ( ) = Relevant Information
7. Bold+Italics = Universe's Answer }

[ 1st Person Point of View • Aiko Emiko ]

Kusuo had his monologue about he hated being the center of attention and his likability meter. He threw a spin ball and got one of the background-extras out. Kaido, unfortunately, threw like a girl and Kusuo was forced to catch the ball again. He looked at me to see me hiding behind him. He got a bit jealous. 'She's so normal that they aren't even acknowledging her presence in the game!' I suppressed a giggle at his thoughts and gave him an apologetic smile, mouthing an "I'm sorry" while I did so. He tried to pass the ball to an outfield player but ended up throwing the ball a bit to hard...

Nendou threw the ball and hit Kusuo right on the chest, but he was saved again by Hairo. Kusuo was able to stand still while Hairo tried to finish the game for him. Eventually it was 3-2, our team having three players. The game went on as usual, Kusuo landing back in front of me when he was done flying. Hairo threw the ball towards our opponents and got them both out. Our team won and Saiki ended up with a number much higher than he wanted. Luckily, Nendou was able to help out his buddy and bring it back down to 46.


{ The squiggles signal that we're moving onto another episode! }


I was just drawing while I listened to Kusuo's thoughts. He was having a monologue about how love was everywhere these days. He was a bit grateful that I didn't ever talk about things like that though, and his likability for me shot up a bit. He kept rambling about what he saw as a psychic and how love was foreign to him until he finally reached his actual dilemma for this episo- I MEAN DAY.

Anyway, I didn't really care about love either but I was starting to get a bit uncomfortable. All Yumehara would do is stare at Kusuo or glare at me. Why is she glaring at me you ask? Because of how close I am with Kusuo of course. She didn't like how I was with him all the time, but left me alone nonetheless. I heard both of their, albeit contradicting, plans and made my own. I knew what Yumehara would do because of the anime and my telepathy.

[ Time Skip: Later that Day ]

'Alright! Saiki may not be alone, but she seems far enough for this to work!' Kusuo and I heard Yumehara and her plan to get closer to Kusuo. I heard the pinkette apologize about what he was about to do in his head but I really didn't care. He teleported behind me as he was about to turn the corner, at the same time I blinked, forcing Yumehara to crash into me instead. I apologized and help the girl pick up her blank papers, walking away with Kusuo righty after. I asked Kusuo how he suddenly appeared behind me after we were a good distance away. "I had stopped walking." That was his excuse. He had stopped walking and I just had my eyes closed so long I didn't notice. I threw him a suspicious glance but quickly let it go, laughing about how clumsy I could be.

[ Time Skip: Even Later that Day ]

Yumehara went through her plan in her head again, giving a certain pinkette the chance to plan what to do to stop her. This happened for the rest of the day. I have to say, it was rather amusing to see her fail time and time again.

[ Time Skip: End of School ]

It was pouring rain outside. Kusuo told me to wait for him at the entrance and that he had to do something before he left. I made a look that told him I wondered what he was doing but I didn't push it, much to his relief. I waited at the front with Yumehara, watching her plan to walk home with Kusuo under his umbrella. I sweat dropped at the poor girl, 'She never learns...' The sky suddenly cleared and Kusuo started walking out. He didn't wait for me so I ran to catch up with him, "Wait for me Kusuo!" The pinkette slowed down and we walked away from the school, together. This didn't help Yumehara's feelings at all. 'I suppose Saiki and I are fated to always be apart, yet I can't help but feel jealous of that Emiko girl.' Me and Kusuo walked away, both of us noticing her new love interest.

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