Part 28

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"Oh, Lizzy, it is so wonderful to see you!"

Charlotte Collins opened the door to a small but neatly furnished room and gestured Elizabeth towards one of the nicer chairs near the window.

"What a charming room!" Lizzy replied, seeing everywhere the tiny stamps of Charlotte's creativity and good taste.

"It is my very favourite in the whole house," Charlotte confided, dropping her voice to a confidential whisper. "And one that my husband rarely finds cause to enter." Charlotte poured tea for them both, passing one cup to Elizabeth.

"Where is Mr Collins?" Lizzy asked, taking a sip of her tea. "I am a little surprised he was not here to greet us."

"Oh, he will be disappointed to have missed your arrival." Charlotte's eyes sparkled with good humour. "I did warn him about the likelihood of that happening if he chose to go out when he did, but he was called away on parish business that could not possibly wait an hour."

"Parish business?" Lizzy's lips quirked, sensing the humour in Charlotte's expression and wondering at its source. "Nothing serious I hope."

"Not at all. He will have found cause to stop at Rosings, I don't doubt, for he tries to call there at least once a day, if at all possible."

Lizzy was certain now that Charlotte was teasing, but her expression remained absent of all mockery.

"Anyway, I have far more interesting things to discuss with you than my husband. It did not escape my attention that you travelled with Mr Darcy, Lizzy! Have you been keeping secrets?"

Lizzy felt her cheeks redden.

"Not entirely..."

"Aha, but you confess to not being truthful either! Well, now, tell all! When is the wedding to take place?"

"We have not yet set a date," Elizabeth confessed and swallowed a laugh when Charlotte choked, quite vociferously, on her tea.

"Dear me!" Charlotte squeaked, once she began, at last, to breathe normally again. "I did not take you seriously and fully expected a volley of abuse for suggesting there was anything at all between you and Mr Darcy! Well, now I must know all." Her smile faltered, and with an effort, she kept it in place. "Does his aunt know?"

"I have no idea." Elizabeth took a circumspect sip of her tea. "I suppose he shall tell her this afternoon, for he was to ride on to Rosings with Georgiana. Will she mind, do you think?"

"That Mr Darcy has asked you to marry him?" Charlotte was evasive, and before Elizabeth could press her on the matter, a creaking floorboard overheard brought her back to attention.

"That is a discussion for another time," she said, with a dismissing sniff. "Charlotte, I must speak to you quickly now of Jane, while she is absent. You received my letter?"

"I did." Charlotte reached for a clothbound book from the end-table near her and flipped it open, sliding the letter free. "You mentioned Colonel Fitzwilliam?"

"Yes." Elizabeth nodded, glancing towards the door, which remained closed, and hastened through her words before Jane could come down to join them. She had remained upstairs, wishing to wash the dust of the road from her face and take a moment or two to rest after the exertions of the journey and Lizzy had seized upon the opportunity to have Charlotte to herself for a moment, so that they might, together, put the next part of their plan in motion.

"I wondered if there was something..." Charlotte frowned. "He had a sadness in his eyes. Not always, but sometimes I fancied I could see it." She pulled a face. "I dare say you will call me sentimental."

"I call you perceptive." Elizabeth leaned closer, dropping her voice even lower so that Charlotte strained to hear her. "He was engaged to be married to Jane and some misstep - some misunderstanding - caused the engagement to be called off. But I have it on good authority - my own, for Jane would never admit to this - that if she were but given the chance to see him once more, all might be righted and they might pick up where they left off. Will you help me, Charlotte?"

"I welcomed you here, did I not?" Charlotte gave a determined little nod. "Yes, I shall be whatever service I can. Poor Colonel Fitzwilliam. Poor Jane! After the way things ended with Mr Bingley she certainly deserves a little happiness and oh! But they would make a charming pair. Yes. I think it should not be too difficult to orchestrate things for them. After all, they shall dine at the same table this evening when we go to Rosings."

"Tonight?" Lizzy's stomach clenched at the thought of meeting the fabled Lady Catherine de Bourgh so soon.

"Yes, and I dare say our esteemed patroness will be so eager to speak to you and Mr Darcy that I shall be free to manage things between Colonel Fitzwilliam and Jane - Jane!"

Charlotte straightened, noticing the door open at the very moment she left off speaking.

"Dear Jane, you have found our hiding place! Come in, do, and I shall pour you some tea."

"Thank you," Jane said, a frown darkening her pretty features as she looked from Elizabeth to Charlotte and back again. "But I do not wish to interrupt -"

"Please do!" Elizbeth wailed. "Charlotte was terrifying me with the news that we are to visit Rosings and meet Lady Catherine this evening and I know, although you did not say as much, Charlotte, that she will not approve of me. Girls, you must help me to meet my Apollyon with courage."

She pulled a face and Charlotte laughed, ushering Jane fully into the room and plying her with tea and conversation so rapid that she was soon swept up in discussing the pretty drapes Charlotte had had made up to compliment the new wallpaper her husband had permitted her to select.

Lizzy took a sip of her drink and watched the two young ladies as they took a slow circuit around the small room, smiling and talking as if they had not spent the last few months apart. She had a solid ally in Charlotte, Lizzy knew that much, and Jane did not seem to have guessed the real reason she had insisted on their coming to stay at Hunsford at this moment in time. She will know this evening, Lizzy thought, uneasiness sweeping over her. And with any luck, it will not sour our stay. I shall struggle enough with winning over Fitzwilliam's aunt without losing the affections of my sister into the bargain!

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