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(Warning:detailed birth from chapter 7)
You squat down as you feel your lower half burn, sweat and blood was all you could smell. You whimpered as baki held you close. He held one hand on your inner thigh as you rested your head on his chest and had your arms around his. " your doing so good" he kissed your head and back during the time you both waited for the midwife. You cry lightly as you stay close to him and mumble " if you ever get..." you groan " if you ever get me pregnant again ima kill you" he chuckles lightly holding you closer and hums " forgive me my love" your leg twitches slightly and you lean ur head back. When the midwife showed up she tried to get you to move but you glared a and held onto Baki. He reads you like a book " she's fine like this please just supervise" the women nods and bows only moving to the side as baki speaks lightly and your child slowly moves. "It hurts " you cry out, he rubs his fingers down your back checking down there " I know, I know your almost there" as the hours passed baki became calm like in the ring calm. He was so gentle. He had pillows replace his spot as he placed a heating pad over your belly. He had a rag and water and gently cleaned your areas along with your legs and feet. Many minutes later your father and retsu well known for helping with old ancient Chinese medicine and of course birth,he sends away the midwife. He walks in only making eye contact and bows. He comes closer " how are you doing my daughter" you could only muster a slight grin as your body racked with pain. He only called you daughter when he really cared. He looks to Baki who tells him everything. You watch him move through the room. Gently pressing on your womb or hips or places on your back which felt like heaven as he released the pressure on your body. Baki moves to your side and you finally get a break " you would think I'm having twins with the way he's acting" Baki chuckles " dont speak just rest" when the time was coming retsu sat between your legs, to many they be embarrassed by their own masters like this. You look to your dad who tried to keep a brave face but you could tell it all broke him seeing his little girl in pain. retsu gently moves your legs and something in your mind clicks and you look to him and he smiles. He moves one finger stretching you a little more which hurt but you could feel the baby moving. You gasp gripping his arm " t...t..their moving" all three men smile at your words. retsu smiles " now give them a push " you breath deeply and then start to push as hard as you can ending with a scream as you breath heavy " good girl y/n good girl" baki kisses your hand and smiles " you got this" you breath and do as retsu says again and again. Your father lets out a gasp just like Baki when the baby head comes through. You on the other hand scream feeling the pressure from their shoulders. retsu speaks softly glaring at Baki and your dad " gently y/n gently. Their almost here" you push a little as retsu guides the baby out. You gasp falling into Baki as he and the other two men laugh out in excitement " THEIR HERE" you smile and see retsu holding the infant. You lay your head back and breath lightly as retsu moves the umbilical cord and clips it. He looks to Baki to cut the cord and he smiles moving to cut it. " is it a boy or girl " you meet Baki eyes and he smiles " boy" retsu lays the infant on your chest and right on cue a wail is heard. Both Baki and retsu help dress you probably. Your father comes closer with the two men and they all look at you in awe. You see their reddish brown hair thick on their head and soft skin. You cried suddenly which made Baki and your dad come closer as retsu smiled " she's overwhelmed with love, give her a moment " you look to Baki who has an arm over you shoulder and smile at you. You pout " this is our baby " he kisses your head.
That night everyone sat around you, you look over seeing the sky lighten up and smile " it's almost morning" everyone slept near you and you never felt more safe.

(Sorry if all this seems repeated. The stuff I liked the most was rushed in the other chapters so I'm kinda just having fun. Genuinely love Baki so much)

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