First time parent things (17)

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During the night i wake up to b/n crying loudly, i gets up rushing to his room with
Baki on my heels. We come in seeing him on his back in the crib wailing, his face is slightly red and he's sweating. I remove the blanket quickly and take his little onesie off, instantly feeling his skin burning up. I panic and take his temperature finding it ungodly high. I grab his little bag while Baki gets the keys and hoodie. We rush to the hospital my minds going a hundred miles a minute, my heart aches seeing him in so much pain. The nurses rush to my side taking him out my arms, I look in panic as they hold him. They ask a ton of questions while I sit there helplessly holding his little blanket while Baki tries to calm me and help me answer the nurses, he rubs my back gently just as scared but remaining calm for me. Tears well up in my eyes as I reach grabbing a nurses arm before they walk off with him " will he be okay " the nurses looks at me sadly " I'm not sure, but I gotta go " I sit in the waiting room, half asleep and nerves shoot, Baki holds me close and rubbing my back more "he's going to be okay". feeling my chest tightening and my anxiety starts worsen, It feels like hours but Baki  calls my dad telling him everything and I speak with him for a little bit which helps until. I hear my name being called. I look up meeting a doctor he has me follow him as Baki right behind me , we're lead to a room and I see him in a little bed with machine attached , he has little cold packs around him. the doctor speaks " he's okay now just a bad reaction to the weather" I sigh in relief and walk over pulling a chair close. The doctor smiles "he's a trooper I'll give you that. he should be good to go in the morning, you can take him home. Well get him a prescription" I nod and he leaves, I finally let my emotions take over and I cry reaching to hold his little hand " I'm sorry my sweet boy, I'm so sorry"Baki rubs my back " it's not your fault,he was bound to get sick sooner or later" I wipe my eyes humming at him. The whole night I watch over him half way through the night some nurses visit and smile big seeing him " he's so cute " I smile half heartily as they check him over and start to take machines off of him and check his temperature. " he's doing so well, such a heathy baby" I nod lightly. they leave and I hear a low whimper leaning forward, I see his little hands move and his body shifts. I smile big then look over seeing Baki in and out of sleep. I laugh " you can go to sleep " he looks over rubbing his eyes " you sure " I nod as he comes to sit by me, he lays his head on my shoulder and falls asleep. I look up at the ceiling, ever since b/n was born into our lives Baki has literally been with him 24/7, he would make jokes saying he's not going to watch him or anything Bc he'll be busy but the very first night he cried, Baki was up instantly seeing if he was okay at first I thought nothing of it. but I would catch him something just holding b/n and talking to b/n. I rest my cheek on his head and smile as b/n sleeps peacefully, I Slowly start to fade into sleep. The sun runs through the large windows and I hear a low whimper. I open my eyes realizing I'm laying down now. I look over seeing Baki holding b/n close to his chest feeding him as he whimpers. I yawn sitting up " how is he " he turns looking at me and smile" way better, we're leaving soon. The nurses just left with his papers " I smile standing up, I walk over rubbing his head and I kiss his cheek as he looks over at me reaching his little hands out.the nurses return " your all ready to go " they hand me a small paper with his medication. I hold him close to my chest as we leave holding his back and legs close. We get into the car, I sit in the back next to him little carrier and hold his little hand covering him with his little blue blanket he loves. I smile watching his little mouth  go agape and his chest rising and fall as he sleeps peacefully. he whimpers, I rub his little hand and lean my head back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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