Chapter 7

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Yours mostly sane,


Chapter 7

Indriya opened her eyes. She saw a beautiful chandelier hanging off the wooden ceiling, the light was flickering. She was not in her room in Chag's apartment. She surveyed her surroundings, it seemed to her as if she was in some kind of a resort, the room she was in was completely made of wood. She was sleeping on a huge king-sized bed with white and indigo sheets with a gold print. She was dressed in a cotton dressing gown. The fabric was very soft on her skin and exposed her shoulders and collar bone.

'I still didn't wake up, did I?'

There was one wooden window and one translucent door to the balcony and a door to outside that were all closed. It was daytime, but she didn't know what the time was, the sky thundered like rolling boulders down a hill.

She heard the soft pattering of rain first and then she could smell the petrichor.

The room was heavily furnished, creamy white silk curtains with golden embroidery hung to the door near the balcony, soft manila coloured cushioned sofas and a beautiful dark work table with a similar coloured, velvet cushioned chair sat in her overly quiet room.

This was some sort of a suite, except for the flooring everything else in the room was just made of wood. A dark wood, a sort of rosewood. It was beautiful, the flooring was marble, a complete contrast to the furniture.

She glanced around and then decided to open the door to the balcony. Whoever saved her was quite rich if they let her stay in the room then there could be a slight chance that they did not mean harm. She slowly got up, wincing in pain as her sides ached. She swung her legs off the bed and stood up. The world swirled slightly and head bobbed from side to side for a second.

Her legs felt weak but she walked toward the balcony door and opened it. The rain had stopped all of a sudden and the sky was clearing as though it was waking up from a deep sleep, yawning and was removing a blanket from on top of it. A cool wind kissed her warm cheeks and danced through her free locks, She almost gasped at the sight, it was beautiful.

A calm Rose garden with a stone-paved path leading to the opposite building sat in between. In the heart of the garden sat a white marble fountain that had a statue of a lady wearing a saree, she held an overflowing pot of water in her snow-white hands. Indriya felt strange, it felt like she had seen this very statue somewhere.

Indriya noticed a small quiet smile on her face and was looking toward the ground. She smiled like she knew something, some sort of a secret. The folds of her saree rested on her waist with such precision that Indriya could've sworn she could have touched the cloth and felt its softness. The snow white skin seemed like it had been bathed in moonshine and milk. The water overflowed from the pot making a soft susurration.

"You really should not be out of bed, Princess." A soft feminine voice said from behind her with slight annoyance in her tone.

Indriya jumped at the sudden calling as she turned back to see who it was.

The voice belonged to a slender, gorgeous woman...more like a girl. The girl did not look like she was much older than Indriya herself, she was wearing an elegant off-white half-saree, the choice of clothes was a conscious decision because it somehow calmed Indriya and indicated that she was not here to harm her. The girl's hair was in a neat long braid, the end of her braid almost reached the small of her back and she was now frowning at her.

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