Chapter 4: You got games on your phone?

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"-and that's everyone!" Meg sighed sitting down. Y/n had to admit? There were quite a few people here.

"Umm Meg was it?" Y/n sat down beside her.


"Ok," y/n started "so what's the whole deal here? You never explained it."

Meg looked at the fire and back at y/n. She took a deep breathe and closed her eyes. "This will take awhile, but here we go. We, as in you, me, and all the other survivors here, are trapped here. Not sure why we're here, but we are. We get put in these things called "trials". These trials feel like they're a life or death experience, but they aren't. No matter what, you get sent back here, to the campsite."

Meg paused and grabbed something from beside her.

"These are called perks." She held up various diamond shapes. The had different designs on them such as some shoes, someone holding what looked to be a weapon, a broken meat hook, etc. Y/n picked one up out of Megs hand and observed it. It was almost completely flat.

"As you do what you're supposed to in trials, you get these perks. They do t look like much, but they help with lots of stuff. I don't have vary many so far, but David does. You'll earn some too once you go into some trials." Meg set the perks down and walked to her tent. She grabbed two small boxes that had tally marks engraved into the side.

"These," she huffed as she set them down "are offerings, items and add ons. The help you get done faster." She reached into the first box and grabbed a small red health kit. She passed to box to y/n for her to look at. Y/n was fascinated.

"Offerings are what we give to the Entity."

Y/n couldn't help but butt in. "You give stuff to it?! I thought you hated it?"

"Yes we all hate it, but the offerings also help with being efficient and fast." She held a small bag of what appeared to be chalk. "If I were to bring this to a trial, I'd be extra lucky. It's weird but you'll get used to it."

"Have you told her about the killers yet?" A stern voice said from behind Meg.

"I'm getting there Leon! Oh! Y/n this is Leon. He was on a walk earlier so I didn't introduce him."

"Nice to meet you." Y/n said holding out her hand. Leon looked at it then back at y/n. He took it and shook it. "What killers?"

"They live here with us," Leon started sitting down next to y/n. "Every trial there is one after us. Sometimes it easy, and sometimes your ass gets handed to you on a silver platter. No one knows how long they've been here, but know one cares. We're just more focused on surviving."

"Well how do you get out of trials?" Y/n asked eagerly.

"We have to repair generators. They power the exit and we have to do at least five. There's more than that in the trial, but we only need five. Once they're all done, we go to one of two exit gates and pop it open. Normally after that, we make fun of the killer by the gate then leave before the time runs out."

"You mean your on a time limit?!" Y/n asked realizing she'd have to be under stress 24/7.

"Only when one of the gates open. But, if you can't find a gate in time, there's the hatch."

"How will I know what that looks like?" Y/n asked.

"Ohhh, you'll know what it looks like, it'll make weird sounds, but I promise it leads you back to the campsite, just like the exit gates." Leon laughed remembering the first time he found the hatch.

Suddenly a loud SNAP echoed through the woods. "Oh! Time for a trial!" Leon exclaimed.

Y/n looked around carefully hoping to not see any killers. Her wrist burned suddenly and her eyes darted to it. The Roman numeral I burned on her wrist. She yelped and tried wiping it off.

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