Chapter 9: Glitch the Entity

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My dog ^^^^^

"So, have I been introduced to everyone?" Y/n asked, eating the the animal shaped cookies.

"Oh fuck no." Amanda, who recently joined them, said as she took a sip of her drink. "A few killers like to keep to themselves or are always in trials."

"Oh. Who are they?"

"Well, we had a new girl come in not too long ago named like Sadako or something, there's Caleb, Max,  Carmina, Bubba, Pinhead, Demo, Blight, and Pyramid Head."

Y/n widened their eyes in the amount of killers that were in this realm. "Have you guys ever thought about, like, trying to get out?"

silence filled the cabin.

Even Michael stopped what he was doing. Y/n looked around at the whole crowd who now were listening intently to every word coming out of their mouth. Y/n saw Evan and Herman exchange glances then quickly left the room to go upstairs.

"Yes. I- or we have thought about it. We just don't know how." Amanda responded "but some people here don't want to leave. Where would we go? And the ones that have been mutated and killed, couldn't just go back to living a normal life around people."

Y/n nodded and rubbed their chin. "Is there anywhere else in this realm besides the trials, killer cabin, and the survivor camp?"

"There is another place." Wraith suddenly spoke "The only was to get there is involving the offerings. Last time a killer went there of course, never came back. He left his perks behind and that's how we got NOED."

A bunch of the killers laughed while the survivors groaned. Y/n tilted their head. "How do you get there?"

Phillip widened his eyes. "You want to go there? No one knows what goes on there."

Y/n nodded and waited for the instructions. Phillip signed a reached in to a little pouch on his belt. He pulled out a piece of green cardboard with a key tied to it. "It involves two realm offerings. Azarov's key and the Haddonfield key." He stuck his hand out to Michael and did a grabbing motion. Michael didn't budge.

"C'mon you have like 30 of 'em." Philip remarked still holding out his hand. If you could see his face, he probably did an eye roll as he reached into a pocket and pulled out a similar piece of green cardboard, but with a key that had a tag on it.

Strode Reality.

Phillip handed both offerings to y/n and grabbed them by the shoulders. He squatted down to their height and looked them in the eyes. "Next time you go into a trial, have someone bring the Haddonfield and you bring Azarov. When putting your perks in the box, put in Azarov. Have one of the other survivors bring Haddonfield and at the last minute before you leave for the trail, have them toss it into your box."

Y/n nodded and tucked the offerings into their pocket. Wraith continued to stare them in the eye. "There is a chance you might not come back. We don't know the consequences."

"OHH BOO HOO CRY ME A RIVER!"  Danny interrupted wiping a fake tear from his eye "Just let 'em do it!" Phillip rolled his eyes and stood up. He patted y/n's head before walking away to join Evan and Herman upstairs.

"What are they doing, having a threesome up there?" Danny said before being promptly hit in the back of the head by Adiris's sensor.

Susie walked up to y/n and tapped their shoulder. "Could you really get us out?" Y/n shrugged. Y/n noticed frank from a distance drinking a beer looking almost offended by Susie's question.

Y/n didn't notice but Rin had sat down on the couch by Anna, who was being Y/n's bodyguard. She wore a torn Kimono, but it still looked nice. Her hair was up neatly and she held a worried expression on her face ( like always).

"You could get me out?" She asked neatly placing her hands on her lap.

"I-I really don't know, I'll have to see in the next trial."


"Her babysitting instinct is kicking in." Amanda whispered.

"I've got nothing to lose. I'll either rot here or die trying." Y/n stated and Susie cheered. Y/n heard commotion coming from upstairs and all three killers came down stairs, seemingly still talking to each other with their eyes.

Anna tapped y/n's shoulder and furrowed her eyebrows. Susie caught on and grabbed a piece of paper. She scribbled some things down and showed Anna. Cyrillic letters were scatted messily on the the page, but it didn't seem that Anna minded. After reading it, Anna furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head.

«Нет!» (" No!") she exclaimed.

"She doesn't want you to do it." Susie translated.

Y/n looked at Anna and slowly nodded. Anna seemed very angry at this answer and stormed off upstairs. "Don't worry," Rin started "when she's mad she'll throw little temper tantrums."

"Did I do something wrong?" Y/n asked, concerned for Anna.

"No. She is just worried about you. Emotions are a hard thing for her."

Suddenly, y/n's wrist burned. She looked down and saw a 2 tally mark. Nea and Laurie looked at their wrists and had the tallymarks 1 and 3. Y/n guessed the 4th survivor was back at camp. Phillip looked at his wrist and rolled his eyes.

"Well, let's glitch the Entity." Y/n said walking to the door to get ready for the trial.


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