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The plane landed safely, and the passengers erupted in applause, not for the fact they got there unharmed, but more so that they could get off the plane.

Iwaizumi hauled himself to the baggage claim with Y/N following him in tow. The two stood idly by and watched all the different patterned luggage pass them by.

"So why're you in California?" Y/N spoke into the silence, her eyes still scanning for her yellow flower power luggage.

"I'm here for college- but I'll admit it's pretty far from home. I don't know how I'll hold up." He chuckled and his words had caught her off guard.

"Well, you're in for one heck of an adventure." She smiled, and they turned back to the track.

A black suitcase with a teal ribbon came rolling around, it catching Iwaizumi's attention. "This is me." He reached down and grabbed it off the belt. The girl admired the ribbon and played with it between her fingers, the letters AOBA JOHSAI sewed on the front. "Where'd this come from?" she laughed.

He glanced down at her and smiled fondly at the strip. "My teammates back home were scared I'd lose my luggage after traveling overseas. They were so paranoid, they made me tie an Aoba Johsai, my old high school ribbon to the handle. It's silly really." He let out a small chuckle, and Y/N's eyes lit up in awe. "That's so cute! I guess you guys were all very close, huh?"

There was a voice in the back of Iwaizumi's head telling him that she was an angel. Seeing her so smiley and interested in him was something new, and he almost felt guilty for taking up so much of her time.

"Oh! That's mine!" Y/N squealed, her smile widening even more when she saw her bag. Skipping to the belt, she picked it up and rolled back over to Iwaizumi. The boy studied her luggage with great care, as he took note of how it showed years of use and love, with stickers covering the front face. Y/N noticed his studious glance and quickly pulled the suitcase behind her back, a small blush of embarrassment on her cheeks. "I travel a lot, okay?" All he could do was laugh with her. She had such magnetic energy.

"So when you said you love a good adventure, you weren't kidding!" He smiled and Y/N giggled, "It's not about the destination-"

"It's about the journey." He finished.

She nodded and gave him a wink. "That's the spirit!"


She turned to where she heard her name, a group of four standing with flowers and signs, "WELCOME BACK Y/N!" they shouted with big grins. Y/N jumped and ran quickly, leaving her luggage with Iwaizumi, to the cluster of people.

"Mom! Dad! James! Isa!" the girl cried as she wrapped them up in her arms. Her mother started to cry a bit, and her siblings were ecstatic.

Iwaizumi walked her bag over to her and tapped her on the shoulder. "Don't leave your bag behind." Y/N turned and stuck her tongue out, "Says the guy who fell asleep in the terminal." They shared an admirable look before her brother, James, cleared his throat. "Sooo, who's this guy?" Raising his eyebrows as he said it, making Y/N burst into a rosy blush. "Don't be ridiculous! This is Iwaizumi. We met on the flight."

Iwaizumi gave a small bow and shook everyone's hand. Glancing at his watch, he saw it was way late. "It's nice to meet you all, but I'm afraid I have to get going. Thanks for everything Y/N."


He turned and tilted his head at the girl as she grabbed his hand, taking a pen from her pocket. "Text me! Maybe we'll meet again!" She spoke with a hopeful grin, and it made Iwaizumi grateful that his first California experience was with such a kind soul. That was something he always appreciated, a good soul.

Iwaizumi nodded, and they said their goodbyes.

See you later, Y/N.



Iwaizumi held his breath as he waited for the door to open. What if they don't like me? What if they're weird? What if they try to kill me?! Oh please be normal-

He jumped as he heard the chain lock be undone. The face he was met with was a taller blonde dude, his hair falling in a swoop. "Oh, hey! You must be Hajime!" He opened the door, and opened the entrance. "Come in! We've been waiting for you!"

Iwaizumi crossed over the threshold and looked around. The kitchen was clean, and in the living room, two guys were standing over suitcases as they finished unpacking. They heard him enter and looked over at him. "Oh, it's the new guy!" The farther one showed a grin and walked over to shake his hand. "I'm Jamie, you can have the room down the hall." Iwaizumi nodded and looked over his head to see the empty room, just a bed in the corner.

"Thanks, I'm Hajime." He swiftly walked over to his room and threw his bag on the bed. The room was actually bigger than he expected, his closet being double the size of what it was back home.

"Hey dude!" A voice called to him. Iwaizumi looked up to see the second guy. He had a more muscular build than the others, and his short brown hair wasn't styled and just looked more natural. "Hey, what's up?"

"Thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Luke." He held out a fist, nothing like how the others had greeted him. Iwaizumi bumped it and Luke laughed, "You're already such a cool dude! Say, do you work out?"

Iwaizumi chuckled, "Yeah, I'm majoring in sports science, actually."

"Oh wicked! So we should def hit the gym together sometime! Man, if only you were here earlier for final elective registration, we could've taken a class together! But I guess all the good classes are gone. You better go check on that fyi."

A wave of stress came onto Iwaizumi as he groaned. Damnit, I can't believe I missed class registration.


Medieval Arts, you've got to be kidding me-

Iwaizumi grumbled to himself all the way to the art building. He really was late- so late that he was stuck in a class that would probably be the death of him.

Taking his seat, he didn't see anybody interesting. In fact, there were barely any people there! It's just a bunch of old buildings and stuff. How lame.

"Alright class, let's start with taking the role, and then we'll discuss the syllabus."

"Hannah Kingston?" "Present!"

"Tristen Bright?" "Here!"

"Y/N L/N?" "That's me!"

Iwaizumi perked up, and his eyes widened at the name,



𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞 // 𝘪𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘻𝘶𝘮𝘪 𝘩𝘢𝘫𝘪𝘮𝘦 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now