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9th Feb, 2022



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Done washing dishes and mopping the kitchen, Yazan drew his exhausted body to their bedroom, the moment his gaze fell on his pregnant wife, all of the weariness evanesced.

She was sitting in the middle of their oversized giant bed, resting against the headrest with a bowl of ice-cream and a packet of cookies in her 8 months bump.

Yazan smiled at his gorgeous wife. Clad in a satin walnut colored robe, her nose slightly red along with her fluffy cheeks redder, she looked like a bride in her wedding night.

Still, he had to resist her to first freshen up and then return to his glory.

"I've no stamina at all trust me, otherwise seeing you in your temptress form would've.....never mind!"

Yazan guffawed throwing himself on the bed, his head right next to her baby bump.

Done eating, Sayba kept the ice-cream box in the bedside table accessing him to rest his chin in there as he untied the robe's belt and tenderly began caressing her womb.

Soon he sensed his baby's movements against his hand, causing him put on a serene smile in his lips as he leaned in to kiss her bump over and over, while Sayba was tousling his hair.

"My daughter's desperate much to meet her baba?"
He chuckled at her kick.

They've known the gender of the baby right when it was possible and learnt that Sayba was growing a princess in her womb.

From the littlest of things to all the necessary stuffs Yazan had everything at his place ready, only his daughter yet awaited for another month.

"That's not fair, no?"
He frowned looking up at Sayba.

"You get to hold her 24/7 and here am I, out!"
Sayba laughed at the pout he put on.

"Don't you think she's gonna choose you 24/7 to stay with after she comes out?"

"Yes! But you're the priority, sweetheart and I love that."

"You're tired, sleep now."

"Hmm...night night baby."
He kissed his daughter's foot that came apparent when she kicked again.

"Oh how I wish to cut this abdomen and get inside it to spend the rest of my baby's days with her in her realm."

"Yazan! Seriously?"

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