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"Grass." Mugi mumbled as she touched the grass outside. Apparently, she have just learn what grass is from yushiro a few minutes ago.

After touching it for a few minutes, mugi stood up and decided that it was time for her to go on her adventures again.

"Mugi, remember, don't eat humans and be careful." Tamayo reminded.

"Ok." Mugi nods, hugged tamayo, and then started to wonder off somewhere else.

Unknown to the two other demons, mugi wouldn't be coming back for several months. And what does she do in those months?

Well, mugi made a new friend, rui.

They stumbled upon each other when mugi was poking one of the spiders in mt.natagumo, rui was like why is she poking it? He then watched her for several minutes and heard her saying "what...this?"

Mugi then almost ate the spider but rui slapped it away from her hand. She looked at rui with sad eyes.

"You can't eat spiders."


Rui sighed and grabbed one of the spider. "This is a spider. You can't eat them. Eat humans." He pointed at some nearby villagers that's passing by.

Mugi shook her head. "No eat humans."

Bewildered, rui looked at her. "You don't want to eat humans? What do you eat then?"

Mugi shrugged. Usually, tamayo or yushiro would bring her a cup or a bowl of human blood and that was it. She has a better control of her hunger later on as well. And tamayo always have lectured her to not eat human flesh.

If it's tamayo or yushiro, mugi would follow what they say because she trusts them.

"You need to eat humans to live and get stronger. I'll get you one of the humans and in exchange, you become one of my family." Rui stated.

Mugi shook her head. "No. Humans bad. Eat sun." She pointed at the sky.

Rui deadpanned, "you can't eat the sun. Why do you want to eat the sun anyways?"

"Sun hurts mugi. Sun bad. I want adventure!"

"Huh.." rui gave a small chuckle of amusement, and for the next few hours he finds himself talking to mugi about lots of things.

"Demons!" Three demon slayers shouted and rushed to slay rui and mugi.

Mugi blinked at them while rui scowled at them, ready to get into a fight.

"These pests i swear.." rui mumbled and launched his threads at them, so before those slayers can get to them, rui killed them off.

Blood splattered at mugi's cheek. "Ah." She rubbed the blood at her cheek with her hand and looked at it in wonder.

Rui noticed it, "you eat those so you can live."

Mugi looked at the blood and then to the dead humans. She shook her head. "No no." She rubbed her hand on the ground to get rid of the blood.

Rui stared at her before ripping a bit of the human's flesh and chugged it to mugi's mouth. "Eat."

Mugi struggled in rui's hold, she doesn't want to eat the humans so why was rui forcing her. She tearily looked at rui.

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