Chapter 24 - Phone Wallpaper?

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Chapter 24 - Phone Wallpaper?


"Eww, Ace!" I said as soon as I stepped into his study.

Ace, who was working on his laptop, shifted his gaze to me and stopped typing on the keyboard. He raised his brows and asked, "What happened?"

"How could you?" I accused while walking toward him.

His face held utter confusion. "What happened, Ava?" he asked once again with calmness.

I showed him the wallpaper on his phone. "This is what happened."

An amused smile formed on his face. "Oh, this," he uttered, and went back to his work.

I placed a hand over my hip and showed the wallpaper once again. This time, he burst into laughter after seeing the picture.


"I am sorry, but every time I see this, I just..." he continued laughing.

I placed his phone on the desk and pulled a chair for me to sit on.

"Why are you so mean? Why didn't you change the wallpaper?" I crossed my arms against my chest.

He arched an eyebrow, his eyes shining with amusement. "Just because I didn't change my wallpaper for the past three years, I am mean? Where's the logic here, Ma'am?"

I scoffed. "I don't care about any damn logic. You will change this wallpaper right this instant."

"What if I don't?" he challenged me.

"Then..." I thought for a while before answering with an innocent smile, "Then I won't talk to you for an entire day."

Instead of agreeing to my condition, he just laughed once again. "I don't understand. You can change the wallpaper yourself since you know my passcode, then why don't you?"

"What's the guarantee that you won't put it back again the second I turn away? Let me tell you, the guarantee is 100%. Because I know you. Argh, I hate knowing you so much," I groaned. "So I want you to change it on your own and delete that picture."

"Not happening, Ava."

"Why not, Ace? Please don't be so mean," I whined, looking at him with an innocent look.

He glanced at my face, almost melting, until he shook his head and said, "No, Ava."

I rolled my eyes and got up from my seat. "Fine, then. I am not talking to you until you change the wallpaper. However, before I start giving you a silent treatment, let me inform you, that I took your phone and brought it here because Veron called you. Talk to him."

"Will do. Did you bring the charger with you from the room?" he asked me.

I nodded and handed him the charger before heading out of the study. While strolling around the hallways, I bumped into Emma.

"Hey, Em. You okay?"

Emma looked at me with her amber eyes, an excited smile on her face. "Great, I found you! I was just looking for you."

"Looking for me? What's the occasion?"

"I was thinking of going out for getting some things for a project. My friends introduced me to a great cafe nearby. Do you want to come with me? Don't worry, we will be back before lunch," she offered.

"We'd better. Nobody wants to see Grandpa's sting eye for missing the weekend lunch. Let me just inform Ace—no, wait. Em, I will get ready and grab my purse real quick. Meanwhile, can you inform Ace that we are going out?"

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