Chapter 25 - Not Blind In Love?

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Chapter 25 - Not Blind In Love?


After my hangout with Emma, I was on my way to the kitchen to Grandma's room to chat with her until lunch, when Liliana called me from behind.

"Ava, can we talk?" she asked meekly.

I turned back to face her with a smile. "Of course, Lily. Is everything okay?" It clearly wasn't. She looked sick. She had dark bags underneath her eyes, indicating she hadn't slept properly for days. Her face was twisted into such a look of intense guilt and self-loathing that made my heart break for her.

"Yes, I just... I don't know how else to make myself feel better other than apologizing to you once again for what Simon did... I... am so sorry." She had said the same thing to me so many times over the past few weeks that I lost count of it, and every time I tried to make her understand.

I shook my head and sighed. "Hey, I told you it's okay. Besides, it's not your fault, to begin with. Imagine if I had married Simon that day, so many lives would've been ruined. Look what a good outcome your actions have brought. You saved my life by sending that woman that day."

She smiled at me, her eyes becoming watery. "How can you be so good-hearted? Anyone else in your place would have hated me."

"I could never hate a wonderful person like you, Lily. Simon is the unluckiest of all to lose such a precious gem. Anyone else in your shoes would have hated me, instead of trying to apologize like you are. That just goes to show how kind you are."

"No, it's not anything great. If it's not your fault, then why will I blame you? I have known you for a long time, Ava," she said. "Besides, I was in love, but I wasn't blind in love. If I had gotten a single hint he had his eyes on you, I would have thrown him out of my life myself."

"I know that. So please don't beat yourself up over Simon. Take proper care of yourself and the little munchkin growing inside you." I placed my hand over her belly, and she smiled lightly. "I'm going over to Grandma's room to gossip. You wanna join us?"

She shook her head. "No, that's fine. I think I just want to be alone right now."

"Hey, you have stayed alone for the last three weeks. That's enough. You need some fresh air. Let's go sit out on the patio with Grandma. It will be fun and refreshing." When she still seemed hesitant, I tugged her hand. "Come on."

She gave a resigned smile and went along with me.


After gossiping with Liliana and Grandma for over an hour, and also learning some knitting in the process, Liliana's mood seemed considerably better. We were all now at the dining table for the Sunday lunch where everyone was present.

Normal chattering was going around the table when Ace leaned closer to me and whispered, "Will you really not talk to me?"

I flat-out ignored him and replied to something Aunt Chloe said.

"Ava, will you look at me, at least?"

I turned my head towards Emma who was on my side and started talking to her. From my peripheral vision, I noticed Ace sighing and continued eating his food.

For the rest of the day, I ignored Ace whenever he tried to talk to me. I went out shopping with Luna and Aunt Chloe who were also shopaholics like me. Emma wasn't much of a shopper, and Liliana wanted to work on a case.

Even throughout dinner, I gave Ace the same cold shoulder as lunch. Even when Aunt Chloe broke the great news of getting married to the family and everyone, including Liliana, was overjoyed for her, I didn't answer Ace when he asked me if I knew beforehand as I didn't look that surprised.

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