Chapter - 4 First Sight

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"Thank god Jason you lifted your phone, Arlo has met with an accident. We are on the way to CityMed Hospital, please arrive fast."

I'm numb.I try to recall what just she said. She was sacred.

Arlo is my small brother. He adores me, he even says I'm an inspiration to him I don't know why. Whenever I feel low, he is always there to cheer me up. He is mechievous and playful. He is maybe a fully grown up man, but still he has a playful child in himself.

No matter what, my brother is certainly a gift sent from God. Not only him but my whole family. The only one good thing I have with me is my family. After my grandfather, it is my responsibility to protect my family no matter what.

I rushed and call my driver. I call the administrator of the hospital. I certainly give him a warning and tell him to get the best surgeons for my brother. They will surely take it seriously as I pay a huge amount of charity to the hospital and been one of the board members.

I don't know how these people got the information, but the media is crowded outside of the hospital. They just want news to get the trps for their channel. I call more security because I can't trust anyone one, even the hospital staff.

I'm raging in anger, I'm about 10 seconds away from losing it. I try to control my anger, but I can't. He is in the ICU for about more than 3-4 hours, but we don't get any news about him. My mother is shedding tears, my aunt is handling her. My grandfather is terrified and uncle is reassuring him. My cousins are sad and tensed.

I disliked watching them in this condition. Enough...

"What's taking so much time? Where the fuck is my brother", I started yelling at the staff. Maybe I'm a selfish man, but I can't watch my family depressed.

I couldn't help my brother. He is fighting all alone in there. All I can do is to take out my anger on them... And I did. I was alone rambling in the ward. Rest of them tired to calm me, but I couldn't.

Now everyone in the ward started speaking, but out of all, my voice is clearly audible.

"Please be calm sir, other patients are getting disturbed", a voice came from behind. I turn myself around, he is a doctor but I don't care. I demanded answers.

"I don't fucking care about other patients, just tell me what is wrong with my brother? Why is it taking so much time? I demand answers now!!", I yelled in a harsh tone. Their is pin drop silence in the ward.

"Sir, I know it's a tough time but your brother is out of danger and is fine. He is currently stable. We can discuss this futher in the office. Just calm down", a sweet angelic voice came beside me. I never heard such a gentle voice before.

I turn my face and I saw HER.......

I'm shocked. She is...... She is so beautiful. God, I don't think I ever saw someone so attractive as her. I take a moment to admire her beauty, as my eyes scan her from top to bottom.

She is tall but not as me, I can easily cover her up. She has long black silky hair, she has deep, intense yet warm brown eyes. She has soft and pouty full lips. She doesn't even have much make up on, yet she looks so beautiful. Fuck! She  has the flawless body with a beautiful face. She is just so perfect, she can bring every man on his fucking knees.

If I could stare her the whole day, I would. I can see she is getting nervous and bites her bottom lip. Fuck........ But it suddenly hit me. What the fuck is wrong with me. I never take a good look at women and admire their beauty...... But why her?

"She is right, you need to calm down. Your brother needs you", my mother says from behind. Bringing me back to reality and the current situation. I wanted to say something, but I can't. What the hell. Unable to say something I just nod, without breaking the eye contact with her.

"Dr. White will show the way to the office, please follow her", the other doctor said. I see her name on her ID card of her coat.
'Dr. Kira White'.

She is the doctor..... Of course she is.
My mother and grandfather accompany with me, I need to focus on my family right now, not on this woman.

She is walking in front of me I can't help but look at her ass.... Things I would to her pretty little ass. Fuck, Jason you need to focus on your brother right now.

"Please take your seats".

I can't help but I want to hear her sweet voice again. How am I so obsessed with her. So I question her.

"Will  you just fucking tell us now", I shouted. Usually when I raise my voice, everyone gets scared to death. But she had a calm face that got me surprised. This is not what I used to get.

Generally people get scared and  frightened by my vibe but it seems that she doesn't care about it. I dislike this feeling. I just met her about 15 minutes ago and what the hell is she doing to me.

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