Chapter - 31 - A New Beginning....

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I have become a parent now. I have a new responsibility to take care of Ella. I love her so much. It is a new kind of feeling. Everyone was surprised. Within few days after Jason's proposal, we adopted Ella. Jason's family didn't had any problem with it. Julia was happy and she already taught Ella to call her grandmother.

The agency members were downstairs. We told them that we want to adopt Ella and they didn't have problem with our decision. We got the adoption papers and we are her new parents. Honestly I don't know anything about being a mother.

Ella has a very good bond with Jason. Jason was over the moon when Ella called him Papa. I was happy for him but I wanted Ella to call me Mama too. But with me it's a little difficult. She still seems to have a little problem to open up to me. I felt really sad that she hasn't fully trusted me yet.

It's because of her ex-stepmother. Yes step mother. The cops told us that Kira's biological mother died giving birth to her. Ella's biological father had a second marriage. He died due to brain tumor, and from there her ex-stepmother started abusing her. That's the reason she a bit distant with me. But I will keep on trying and I know that one day Ella and I will have a good relation.

I taught it would be better if Ella attends some therapy and Consulling sessions. Parenting is really a difficult job. Both me and Jason changed our schedules. We both wanted to give more time to Ella.

Sometimes she would have nightmares. We took care of her health. We admissioned her to new school, her extra activity classes. I am really proud of Jason, he takes care of her, loves her and plays with her. He has grown so much.

My phone rings and I pick up.
"Kira are you ready? I will come to pick you up in 10 minutes". Oh no fuck. I totally forgot that today Ella is giving her speech. Today all students are going to give speech in front of all parents.

"Yes. I will be ready". I hang up. I quickly pack my things. I can't be late. I don't want to miss Ella's speech. I'm ready in time. Soon, Jason arrives with car, we both head towards her school.

"I'm excited to hear her speech", Jason said holding my hand.
"Me too", I fix his collar and his tie. He kisses my forehead.
We reach her school. There is no surprise that we are in the front row with the principal.

The program gets started and one by one the children came and gave their speech. Their speech was not that long, they are just 6 years old. Everyone were adorable and cute. Both me and Jason are waiting for Ella to listen her speech. Next one is Ella. We both are excited. Jason is literally jumping in his seat.

She stands in front of microphone.
"Good morning everyone, my name is Ella Knight. Today I am here to give a speech on topic My mother", my eyes widened. She looks at me and smiles. Jason holds my hand tightly.

She takes a long breath.
"My mother is my first friend. She inspires me to be a better person. She wakes up every morning before dawn and prepares breakfast and my tiffin box. She is a doctor. She works till late night, to make the lives of everyone around her better.

When I fall sick she stays up all night to look after me and be there by my side and the next morning she goes about her daily routine. She takes care of my family and also her patients at the hospital. She taught me to be kind and respectful. My mother is the best mother in the world. I love you Mama."

I didn't realize that I'm crying. Tears runs down from my cheek. She----She called me Mama. She gave a speech about me. She waves her hand at me and gives me a flying kiss. Jason claps and whistles.
"She is my daughter", he kept saying this to everyone beside him. Jason wipes my tears.

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