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***Bts mansion***

Whole mansion is quiet.  Silence is completely spread around the mansion.

Guards are present, maid are present, other servants are present, bts, Mr and Mrs. Kim are present,everyone is present and doing their respective works but still quietness can be sensed in the
Whole mansion.

Sadness, regret, loneliness and frustration are other feelings, covering the environment of the mansion.

Many puzzles are present in the world some are easy to solve but some are very difficult. Every puzzle have its own image, colour, solution, but they are interesting.
Imagine you solve a puzzle which contains different feelings, thinking and you solve it with your hard work but a important piece get missing ,you will be sad. Just like "Bts are sad because there sister get missing. The important piece get missing which give them feelings, which make them smile."

"Regret", a word with 6 letters but with deep meaning and reality of life. Sometimes we lose our control on our actions. sometime we lose our control on our words. And we end up hurting the most important part of our life. But after sometime we realise everything we did or say and we feel guilty or regret on them. "BTS is in Same situation because they hurt their sister, by words,  by actions."

"Loneliness " , some said loneliness  is a bad feeling, maybe  because they are getting love, care, time from their love ones that why for them it's a bad feeling,  BUT some said its a good feeling, may be because they get betrayed, hurt by their love ones that why it's a good feeling for them ,so they never get hurt again. BUT  from my point of view LONELINESS is a good feeling when it is created by ourself ...but it is the worst feeling when it is gifted by others isn't it right.
"BTS is lonely because they hurt a pure soul and when everything is getting good, when they want to shower her with their love, she went away from them. "

"frustration", because they can't able to find their sister till now.!!! meeting room...

**knock.. Knock**

Namjoon= come in.

Jack come inside with a file in his hand..

Jack bow  and said

Jack= Sir this file contain all information of Lee yoon sung.
About his life and all his secret mafia centres. Please have a look.

He said, hive them the file and walk out of the room

Jungkook take the file ,angrily his eyes are red,  and puffy, anger is the only feeling  , visible on his face.

He open the file and start reading.

Jungkook= Lee yoon sung,age 32,  owner of Lee ENTERPRICES  , world 3rd highest spot company. Owner of 23clubs and 20 expensive hotels.

2nd rank mafia,  right hand park jae sung,  no information about left hand.

He export drugs,  and he also sell child and women in black market.

He have 18 secret mafia basis. And 6 are main and most strong bases .

Jungkook close the file and said angrily

Jungkook= now what why are we still quiet. What if he do something to our sister.

Jimin= calm down let's make plan

**Ring..... ring **

Jin phone ring he look at the caller ID and it's unknown.

Jin pick up the call and put it in speaker

Jin=  hello it's Kim seokjin speaking

He say in a cold voice

??= I know who you are. Mr. Jin now listen to me clearly I know your sister is missing. I know you guys must be planing to destroying  Lee yoon  sung. To protect your sister. A-

His words get cut by

Suga, jimin, jungkook= where is our sister we will kill you if something happen to her.

They scream

Namjoon= shut your FUCKING mouth and do not cut him, you may Please continue.

He said in a deadly voice

??=so, I also want to destroy him and I guess enemy of enemy are friends and BELIVE me I have no bad intentions.

J-hope = you are right so

??= so to destroy him. we need to make him weak  alot weak.
And to make him weak we need to destroy his base.

Taehyung= and what are his base??

??= park jae sung, buisseness of black market and drugs and his 6 main bases and clubs . And BELIVE me he will become a lot weak.

BTS smirk

Namjoon = but who are you

??= I will tell you when the right time came. Till than don't ask me.

Suga= deal

??= Alright deal, so I will give all information about his weak point and you all destroy them. You guys protect your sister and I will get my revenge  .

A deadly dangerous smirk appear on everyone face.

Hope you like it
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