Chapter 22: Recovering

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"-What occurred during the incident?" A doctor inquires, their gaze drawn to Y/N, who moves uncomfortably in her hospital bed

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"-What occurred during the incident?" A doctor inquires, their gaze drawn to Y/N, who moves uncomfortably in her hospital bed. She looks around the room before concentrating on the doctor.

"Stain, he was attempting to harm us," she sighs. " We were fighting for our lives. Finally, I accidentally..." She pauses.

The doctor smiles and nods. "Alright very well, thank you for recalling the incident to us once again." They hum as they rise and move to leave the room, jotting down everything they have just discussed.

As a result, Y/N was able to leave after only a few days. Being welcomed back home by Genos with open arms. Before that happened, Genos had been able to leave the hospital much faster than her, however, he wasn't able to visit her as frequently as he would have wanted due to needing to do assignments for both her and him, as well as recuperate from his injuries. Y/N never heard from the three classmates who were involved in the incident, most likely because few individuals were able to contact or visit her in the hospital.

She nestled under her fluffy warm blanket close to Genos, who sat next to her not paying attention to what she was doing, but focusing on the book he was holding. She subconsciously leans gently on Genos' shoulder to keep herself up while punching down the buttons on her joystick, hoping to finally beat the Attack On Titan game.

She was too focused on bashing buttons and generating combinations to realize how close she was to Genos, yet Genos wasn't paying much attention to her movements either. When she sees the game's final title, a grin emerges on her lips, and she quickly throws her hands in the air, squealing with excitement at having just won the game she had worked so hard to defeat.

When Genos hears her squeals, he turns to face the presumably delighted girl; he puts his book down and rotates his body to face her more.

"Sensei, you need to get some studying done..." Genos attempts to persuade her,

"If you don't, you'll fail." Though he didn't want to spoil her mood, he knew she needed to do her schoolwork so she wouldn't have to worry about it later and so he could help her when he could because he had finished earlier that day.

She groans and pushes herself away from him, tumbling to the opposite side of the couch, rolling her eyes as her head hits the cushion.

"Why should I be concerned about my grades? I'll just get expelled or arrested—or both. So, what's the point?" She grumbles out, irritated by Genos's question when she didn't see the point of trying longer, and everything seemed hopeless and worthless to accomplish.

She sighs, trying not to think about it too much since it ruins her mood, but the more she thinks about it, the more uneasiness she feels. This sensation causes her to want to gag. With more unpleasant thoughts and feelings flowing about in her body, she could feel herself returning to seeing her mother's ghost, whom she didn't want to see again.

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