Chapter 28: Asking For Help

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The following day came faster than Y/N would have expected, getting up she looked more worn down as the days come

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The following day came faster than Y/N would have expected, getting up she looked more worn down as the days come. Dark heavy circles under her eyes. Her skin washed out and her unkempt hair. She looked over at her phone seeing it was vibrating signaling a call. She picked up the device to answer the call. After listening to the person on the other end she inwardly sighs. Hanging up she got ready for the day.

Leaving her room, she looks over into the living room seeing a snoring Garou. She looked away and started to wonder how she got into her bed since she fell asleep on the couch. She pushed away the thoughts deciding they weren't something that needed an answer or to ponder about. She gives a huff, seeing his blanket on the floor.

Walking over to him she picked up the blanket and lazily tossed it over him. She looked at his peaceful face and memories of yesterday's events came rushing in. She frowns at him, she wanted to flick his forehead and tell him how bothersome and an idiot he was being yesterday but she looked over at the apartment seeing it looked perfectly alright. She looks back down at Garou,

'At least they didn't destroy the apartment' She thoughts satisfied with the results.

She leaves the living room which she headed out to the front door.


She stops herself before turning towards the kitchen grabbing some bananas for the trip.

She leaves right after forgetting to tell the guys she would be going out.

        'They should be okay'

They were not okay, but Y/N didn't know as she goes to the hospital to visit two people she grew to tolerate. And apologize to the two for her behavior at camp, She didn't want them to grow to hate her like the others but if they did there wasn't anything she could do to persuade them otherwise.


Going to the hospital she sees Shoji waiting for her. She gives a little wave, she gives him a banana.

        "What's this?" Shoji asked raising a brow at her sudden behavior.  

        Shoji after seeing her with Midoriya, and her expressing so much over what happened through the school year and how no one really knows her or tried to help her. He wasn't sure what to think about her or their class. He wasn't sure why no one defended her or why she lashed out at them. But he did want to understand her. Her blank expressions to her demeanor like she would disappear if you look away. Her cruel words and actions, her awkward speech. He wonder why she enter UA, she acted as if she hated the school, not to mention he never saw her using a quirk or if she had a quirk why she never used it. Why did she have an abrasive personality he wasn't sure.

Seeing her by herself before going to camp, helping her for the first time. He became intrigued by her and who she was. Not just the rumors that were spread around. Seeing her more and more at the camp. He realized she was a simple person with simple desires but when Bakugou got kidnapped and her explosion of emotions he realized another thing, he didn't know anything about her. And when she went missing at the sports festival did anyone notice or care? Or when internships were going on she didn't come by to school. But no one ever tried to reach out to her or even ask if she was okay. Like they have forgotten her like she never was a part of the class in general.  

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