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✷ C H A P T E R      T W E N T Y - T H R E E 

Instead of Ma plaguing my mind, I was bombarded with thoughts of Theo. No matter how hard I tried, I could not get him off my mind. He was a Werewolf, which was synonymous with a beast (to me), but was that true, or had I just been taught to feel that way? Grappling with this idea, I tried my best to ignore Theo for the past two days while I digested how I felt.

I would have gone on subtly ignoring him if the picture I drew of Ma did not come floating down to my feet when I was putting on my clothes for the day. I realized I needed to deal with my emotions second and prioritize finding Ma first. Max updated me on Theo. For the past couple of days, Theo had been continuously occupied with his pack business. As someone who still knew very little about packs, I could not fathom why he would need to go through so much paperwork. He had a Beta, a Gamma, and several other higher-ups all working alongside him.

Luckily for me, prioritizing Ma would prove to not be so difficult. After getting a late start to the day, Theo requested my presence in his office. My heart rate sped at the thought of him finally helping me. But, my heart pounded even harder at the thought of seeing him again.

And, so, trying my best to not let my growing nerves get the best of me, I was off to see Theo.

With the drawing clutched in my casted hand, I made sure not to smudge my pencil work. Ever since I drew the sketch of Ma, my fingers itched to draw once again. I used to revel in drawing and creating art. Pa always tried his best to keep me supplied with anything and everything related to art supplied, but money was tight. As I got older, I started working in the market alongside Memphis' cousin, Sandy, helping to sell her artwork. One day, I dreamed I would be lucky enough to have my very own art stand in the market's center.

As I neared Theo's office, my stomach bunched up in knots. I had not seen Theo since that night. Trying to convince myself it was just an ordinary night, I swallowed my nerves. He was calling me into his office, so he must want to — at the very least — speak some sort of business.

Entering Theo's office, I noted all the paper that once filled the vicinity was no longer in the room; the air smelt of fresh lilac mixed in with a tinge of chemicals. Theo was standing by one of the windows, moving the curtain just slightly so he could peak out. I took a seat at the velvet chair I had sat in just days prior when Theo told me he was too busy to help me; hopefully, this summons would not be a repeat of that day.

"I drew a picture of her," I started, placing the hand-drawn sketch on Theo's desk. Even though the desk was clean, part of me feared he might lose it if his office ever returned to the state it was earlier. "You said the other day we didn't have much to go on, so I drew a picture of her."

"Very well," he opened the curtain wide and proceeded to walk over to his desk, only a few feet away from me. I bit my lip, waiting for Theo to look at the picture."That is not why I called you here."

All excitement and anticipation left my body as I slumped into the plush chair. The smile had made its way onto my face and fell flat while I looked up at Theo with a hurt expression.

"You draw very well," he mused, examining the paper I placed on his desk. I didn't even attempt to respond to him. What was I to say?

I knew I should have inquired why I was brought here if it was not to discuss finding Ma, but I couldn't bring myself to care enough to ask. I allowed myself to get my hopes up, and now I was left with an empty pit of disappointment.

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