34 | rule 66

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C H A P T E R      T H I R T Y - F O U R

After I pulled off the feat of a century – convincing Theo to find a witch – Theo's Alpha instincts took over. He started planning for our journey. As soon as I agreed, he did not hesitate to clue Heath and Mina in on our newfound plan.

Both of them would be joining us in our search; Theo reasoned having a pack doctor and a skilled Gamma would increase our odds of coming out of our search with a witch in hand. Max, however, would stay behind to step in and take Heath's position while he was gone.

Theo explained Vanessa Landry was the witch we would be after. Apparently, she was well known among Werewolves and humans alike. While her name carried recognition, she had never been found before. On the off chance you did find her, Theo said it was not guaranteed she would help.

It would take days to reach her through forests and mountains, through all kinds of traps she set for the feebleminded people who were coming to take advantage of Vanessa's powers. It would not be an easy journey, but it would be a worthwhile one. She'd be the key to not only finding out what happened to Ma, but she'd also be the key to saving the Borderlands.

I was not sure what my plan of action would be once I had Vanessa nearby. Of course, I would find out what happened to Ma, but then afterward, how was I supposed to bring her to the Border? She was undoubtedly more powerful than I could ever be, so my plan was to persuade her. I would have to use my words to get her to help me because I had nothing else to offer her.

This was my chance, and I could not mess it up, or else I would be stuck on the Outside forever, and my poor, old Pa would have to pay the price. I shuddered at the thought, my recent nightmare still fresh on my mind.

In the meantime, Theo continued explaining his plan. We would have to pack strategically for the trip. We would need food and water, but we didn't want to be bogged down by overpacking. We would dress moderately, not knowing if we'd be somewhere extremely hot or cold. The preparations we took now could seal our fate.

Not wasting any time, Theo escorted me to his pack's training facility. It was nestled close to the packhouse. It was a large dome-like structure with windows that scaled up the entirety of the walls. The large door and windows made me feel microscopic in comparison.

When we walked into the lobby, Heath was already waiting. Heath walked over to us with a smile as bright as the sun. He had a pair of black and white sneakers in his hands.

"Here," Heath extended out his hands, trying to give me the sneaks. "You'll need these."

My instinct was to decline the pair of shoes. I went my whole life without wearing them save for a couple rare events, and I did not need to start now. It was common for people in the Borderlands to go their whole lives without ever wearing a pair, especially if they had a less demanding occupation.

I opened my mouth to decline the pair of shoes, but Theo was looking at me disapprovingly like he knew what I was getting ready to say. So, instead, I hesitantly took the pair of shoes and socks from Heath, my toes wiggling beneath me before they would be trapped in the shoes.

Taking a seat on one of the benches near me, I pulled the socks on and then pulled the shoes on. The shoelaces dangled loosely, and I stared at them, not knowing how to tie them. Theo chuckled, kneeling down to tie my shoes for me.

"Thanks," I stood back up, not liking how the sneakers felt on my feet.

"Good luck," Theo patted me on the shoulder before lightly planting a kiss on my forehead.

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