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Recap- Madam is relieved to be navya. Manik gives her a chance but navya decided to tell everyone the truth.

She called everyone in. Manik knew what she wanted to tell. And he warned her not to 

Nandini asked.

Nandini-What is wrong? What do you want to tell? Is it anything serious?

Dev, aryaman, cabir, Nandini. Mukti and dhurv Everybody was surrounding her. She just couldn't see them in the eyes anymore.

"There is no way" thinking to herself she started.

Navya- I'm so sorry. I had no other choice. I had to do that.

Mukti- what is wrong with you now?

Navya- I am madam. I am the devil's partner. I was the one who threatened Nandini with her life to get Manik out. ( Hearing her everybody's face lost its color. Whereas Manik Didn't know how to react. ) I didn't want to attack you Nandini I never intended to attack you in the first place. All I wanted was Revenge because Harshad was my everything. He was the one who taught me how to live. I just couldn't forget the fact that he was no more.

In all this Cabir was the most affected one and slowly asked "So you never loved me."

Navya-Not like that Cabir, I really liked you. In fact, I really really like you.  But the fact that Harshad was the one who made sure that I live my life. It's different. He was a good man. ( Hearing that they (Manik and Aryaman and dev) nodded their head. Anybody would do that.

Seeing Manik composed and dev asked, "you knew it was her." Manik slowly nodded his head "on the day of the attack on HQ I knew it was her."

Others do not know how to react. Navya understood that they needed time. So she just told them that "I have always considered you guys my friends. I never intended to harm anyone. That was not my intention. I was just looking for the culprit and I didn't know it was his blood sister. I'm really, really sorry. I know you guys need time but I don't want to trouble you guys anymore.

Saying that she left.

After she left aryaman asked manik,

Aryaman- She's Dangerous. You can't just let her go.

Manik- No, Aryaman. We have no proof against her. We have no proof that a certain Madam existed. Maybe because the devil was sure that Harshad was going to marry her and he didn't want to take a chance with harshad's life. So he kept her hidden from the outside world. It turns out he was a good father for Harshad and a bad one for Alia.

Manik knew, they all needed time so he linked his hands with the Nandini and told her, "she is always your friend. Even when we are not there. She was protecting you from aliya, know that." 

Nandini just nodded her head, and thought, "maybe if someone attacked Manik. I would have reacted the same. I don't judge her."

 Looks like a cabir needed more time. Maybe time can heal everyone.

After two years.

Nandini remained Murthy. How do you ask? They decided that it was best for Nandini to remain has Nandini Murthy rather than Nandini Patel.

Dev have become an integral part of Nandini's life and he was happy that she is treating him as someone close to him, and he didn't want to break that.

Manan after two years. 

The couple fell in love again, and again. Their bond grew and they had each other back emotionally. 

Manik and Aryaman along with dev have started up a bodyguard agency, which is going pretty well for them. They started training more people so that they get the best bodyguards out of the company. 

MANAN- MY BODYGUARD IS MY DREAM BOY(Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now