~Boboiboy Galaxy Episode 6~

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/Now the black screen fade in, to Koko Ci back on his podium

Koko Ci: "Good morning, everyone. On this historic day..."

Camera slides to see three people sitting on their chairs, which to be Papa Zola, Tok Aba and Ochobot

Koko Ci: "I, as the commander of Tapops-"

Camera slide to Cactus who was sleeping peacefully next to Koko Ci's podium

Koko Ci: "-am pleased to announce that this spaceship... has been fully RESTORTED!"

The ship shined under the sun/

"Yay!!!" The Kokotaim gang yelled while clapping, along with their future selves on screen

/(Confetti blows)

The gang: (jump) "Hurray!"

Cactus: (woke up confused)

Papa, Tok, Ocho: (claps)

The camera moves different angles to show the ship as it sparkles

Koko Ci: "Therefore... It is time for all members of Tapops to head back to the Tapops space station!"/

"Fuiiyo! We get to see what space looks like!" Bbb exclaimed excited, along with the citizens also excited to see the mysteries in the universe

/Bbb: "Err... Can't we just stay here on Earth, commander?"

Koko Ci: "Negative! We need to deliver the Power Spheras that we've rescued so far. Not to mention, we must lock up Captain Separo."/

"Can't we just finish him?" Blaze scoffed

"Hmm, I don't think its fair Blaze, everyone deserves to live... unless their actions are far from the line. It's like on Earth, we lock up prisoners here too and execute them when they did something unforgiveable." Bbb explained, earning stares from everyone

The walking lighter (name by HLNana) gawks at his master, dumbfounded.

Amato and Tok Aba smiled proudly, impressed of Bbb's knowledge

/Koko Ci: "But before we head off... (walks up to Tok Aba) I'd like to extend my sincerest gratitude to Tok Aba, for looking after us while we were here on Earth. Tapops will forever be in your debt."

Tok Aba: "No need for all that. I'll make sure to send you the bill."/

"Erk- really Tok?/ Really Aba?" The father, son duo both made the same deadpanned expression and giving it to their grandfather/father

"Hehehe. Business is business." The old man chuckled as the Tapops' members sweatdropped at him

/Koko Ci: "Erk-! Very well. Get ready, everyone! Time to head off... into SPACE!"

The gang: "Let's go!"/

"Yay!!!" The kids also yelled launching their fists in the air excited- Why did I think that Bbb would accidently launched his fist under Amato-

/KoKo Ci: "Open the teleportal now Ochobot."

Ochobot: "Affirmative! Heeyah!" (did the same thing like ep 1)

Bbb: "I'll get going then Tok. With your blessing. (bid goodbye to Tok)"

Tok Aba: "Hm."

Papa Zola: (crying) "Wuu..."/

"Eh- cigku?" Ais said worriedly

/Papa Zola: "Justice's heart is filled with sorrow!"/

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