Lands of the Old World

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Staring through the place one she had cherished, buildings falling, crumbling to dust. The garden she had loved slowly getting consumed and burst onto flames.

Friends and comrades that she knew, that went through thick and thin with her, now lays on ground with the other dead bodies.

With the scent of the blood filled her nasal cavity, she tried to puke in disgust. Seeing the walls painted in red, insides and body parts mutilated into unrecognizable state.

She screams for help knowing that no one can hear her cry, but what heard her pleas for help was a low growl in the end of the hallway.

Demons with the eyes of crimson red, their body reeks the smell of oil and rust, dozens of them appeared and follows more of them stomping without care to the bodies beneath them.

She screams for help yet again, with her body that can no longer stand up, she crawls until her back touches the wall. She closes her eyes and hopes and pray just for someone or anyone to save her from this hell she's facing.

'Please.... Help.. me'


What followed was the sound of the windows getting destroyed, the growls she hears can no longer be heard, she slowly opened both of her eyes and saw multiple individuals with their backs facing her.

The others were blurry in her vision except for the individual infront of her. The person turned around and looked at her.

"Time to get you out of here- #!&_%•~"

"Lady Nerina!... I'll apologize but I'll do what you told me to!"


Feeling the cold liquid on her body, Nerina quickly rose up from her slumber.

She quickly went out of the bed and went to the window on her side, brushing away the thick curtains.

The garden, its safe.

Thank heavens its alright

"Lady Nerina?"

Nerina turned at her back and saw her maid looking at her worryingly.

"Is everything alri- ah!"

The maid was startled to say atleast, looking down to see her master holding her for dear life, crying in her chest.

Knowing her past experiences with her master, she embraced Nerina and rubbed her head easing her down.

"Is it the same nightmare again?" She asked.

Nerina nodded between cries.

"Don't worry now my Lady, everything will be alright as long as im here with you"

"...Really El?" Nerina asked looking at her.

The maid named El chuckled at her question, despite having a huge age gap between herself and her master, she still acts like a kid often.

"Yes yes, Its me after all" El replied.

"Mhmm" Feeling satisfied with her answer, Nerina continued to embrace El.

Nerina thought back on the nightmare that was on constant repeat during her sleep.

Those demons that killed her family, and the unknown saviors who helped her.

She need to know who they were, she needs to. With a new goal in mind both of them prepared for the day to begin.

Location: West Egypt - Libyan Desert ( City ?? )

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