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To say that the capital had shocked and simultaneously exceeded Olivia's expectations was an understatement, she was flabbergasted.

The entire ride to the Auclair estate she was slack jawed starring out the window, she remembered how beautiful the capital was implied to be as it was mentioned many, many (many) times but she always thought it was exaggerated now while it still wasn't what the author made it all out to be, it was still quite breathtaking.

It was stacked up in levels and all—excluding the buildings and houses—white which was surprisingly clean, miniature waterfalls fell off the sides of the upper levels that fell into small streams that continued the cycle it was like one big fountain. Trees and flowers flourished and lined the streets, Olivia doubted there was even a single fallen leaf out of place everything was picture perfect.

Olivia hadn't even realized how high up they'd gone until Estelle announced that they were approaching the estates gate. The Auclair estate along with most of the other nobility was on the second level to the top it was large with a well kept garden and large fountain out front of it.

Estelle exited the carriage first helping Olivia down and walking with her down the front path with rows of servants that bowed to them in greeting lining it, Olivia hid in the back as her father and mother along with Ophelia in her arms walked ahead their heads held high while the little blond swept her head side to side taking in the new environment with excitement.

Olivia observed the inside of the mansion as Estelle escorted her and Ophelia to their rooms, the first floor was marble and white walls high ceilings and large windows the second floor, where their rooms were, wasn't much different besides the dark wood floors and red carpet.

The sun had already started to set by the time they'd arrived to the mansion the assortment of colors flooded into her room, "Dinner will be served soon My Lady."

Olivia nodded, "I will eat my dinner in my room tonight, I'm quite tired from the trip."

"Very well." Estelle exited her room with one last bow, Olivia had decided to go to sleep early tonight tomorrow was a big day after all. Her plan was finally in motion.


Olivia was woken up early in the morning by a maid who she didn't recognize, she was denied breakfast then bathed and thrown into hours of dressing up. She hadn't seen Estelle all morning and when she asked about her, was only given a vague response of "She's busy with the lady".

Her hair was styled in a fish braid with white and pastel blue flowers littering it, she wore a light blue off the shoulder dress with white stockings and matching buckle shoes, it wasn't anything special but Olivia had to admit she did look quite cute.

Olivia was ready before any of her other family members, her father came down first about 20 minutes after she herself was done Ophelia following not long after. They had to wait another hour for her mother though she found it hard to say it wasn't worth it, when the duchess came down the stairs she looked elegant and beautiful—regal even.

Her golden blonde hair was was pinned into a bun not a single strand out of place the light make up she had on made her seem ageless and brought out her dark purple eyes to finish off her look she wore a red Victorian style dress.

Ophelia ran over to her mother hugging her legs as the duchess stroked her head the duke walked over not long after and linked arms with her mother. The whole family looked ethereal as they walked towards the awaiting carriage, Olivia fiddled with the hem of her dress she felt so...out of place.

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