Live a life to the fullest!

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It really felt good telling them everything and spilling even more about my past life. They both listened and that day was only the first day off soo many following days where they just listend to my rants. It wasn't the only thing that changed.

It really is different having someone to talk too.

Guess they were right with the saying that it makes you feel lighter.

But I also have such a great father for that and an assistent father .... he feels more like a big brother too me tho.

I mean Hawks is definitelly not old enough to call him father.

It just feels weird even if he has some parental rights over me.

Still I am soo greatful to both of them!

Words don't even decsribe it!

Thanks for not giving me up!

Thanks for putting me together when my whole existence shattered into million pieces.

Thanks for being so understanding and patient with me!

After the internship I moved in with my teacher and I also got to get his name additional to my name. Now I was Izuku Aizawa-Midoriya. He is a great father and it didn't take long for me to call him dad. It was soo unusal and soo foreign for me that it sounded weird. At first I went with Dadzawa but that soon just ended up as dad. He was soo happy the first time I called him like that too.

Aizawa: Problem Kitten, you ready?

Me: Yup.

Aizawa: Then let's get going. Nezu made sure Hound Dog would have some tea for ya ready.

Me: He didn't had to.

Aizawa: You are right but he did it because he wanted too. Never forget that people around you do thing they want to do and don't take it as a burden.

Me: I know. You told me that soo many times.

Aizawa: Can't say it enough.

It was all RG's idea to let me go and see Hound Dog. That huge dog was tame and he also let me pet him from time to time. I mean his fluffy furry ears just were soo tempting. I could literally die because of fluff. I loved soft things and it was actually Hawks who descovered that after I played with his feather that wasn't sharp at all. He told me that he could make it sharp but was a soft feather otherwise.

Hound Dog: Ahh Midoriya, come in. I got some good cake today. 

Me: Hello.

Aizawa: I'll leave you two alone and don't dare coming aorund for first two hours of homeroom!

Me: Got it.

Funny how my class still doesn't know what happened or that I was seeing Hound Dog on a regular basis now. Nezu made sure to tell them that he had me as his student for some the homeroom class because of my analytical skills. It worked for all of the class since no one really ever asked any question. It was either that or they were just considerate which I don't think that they are so it must be the first option.

Hound Dog: How is the caramell browny?

Me: Too sweet for my taste but still good.

Hound Dog: You really are the fruit cake guy huh...

Me: I think so.

Hound Dog: Anways take some tea. Nezu will literally have my head if I don't offer you some tea.

Me: Thanks. It's really good.

Hound Dog: Right! Now then let's start our session. I have a couple of interresting cases maybe you can give me some insight?

I really loved the sessions with Hound Dog because he never pressured me to talk but instead would also talk about other cases he had with me and my opinion on them. Tho I wasn't sure if they were really other cases or if he was trying to figure my mindset out. Whatever it was it felt good talking and figuring out ways how one could get better and help him out. 

Then after these lessons I would get back to my class and continue the normal routine of my school life at UA. The only big difference was Bakugo had to visit Hound Dog for some angry management issues and Nezu for some quirklessons as well as RG for some lessons about the fragile human body and I think she said it was all about pain and imun system. Don't really got what she meant but I knew that they were trying to get Bakugo away from me and make him change for the better.

All Might also changed. He never talked about goals with me again and actually started training with me. Additional to that Aizawa was attending these training sessions and helping me out big times too. From time to times even Hawks would come over and train with me. 


If you are in heaven and watching me now, please know that I am getting better.

I now got a lot of help and people who won't let me go.

They really care about me and I am thankful to them.

Rest in peace mom.

I will continue going down the path I started to go.

This time I will take my time and get as much help as I need.

I am not alone after all and it took me soo long to realise that.

I only wish I realised it sooner.

Maybe I could have talked with you over my problems....

I sure will continue visiting your grave and telling you my story and accomplishment so watch over me and protect me from heaven.

I refuse on letting you go, so be my guardian angel mom.

I am sorry for being so selfish but I love you and I can't let you go just now.

So please protect me from the other side.

I will make you proud of me.

I promise to live this life to the fullest!

All in all they were here for me. No matter what and they made me feel like I belonged here.

Maybe life wasn't that bad after all!

It is worth checking and living longer to see where it takes me!

I was sure to be the person my mother would be proud of and the hero I always wanted to be!


A/N: Thanks for reading this story and I hope you all enjoyed it too! See ya maybe in one of my other books.

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