Chapter 17:

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Adriano's covered in scratches, bruises....and blood.

I lean forward and press my ear against the door.

'Cosa gli hai fatto?' A woman asks.

Translation: What did you do to him?

'l'abbiamo ucciso' Adriano says.

Translation: We killed him

'Hai scatenato una guerra tra bande.' The woman says.

Translation: you started a gang war

At this moment I really wish I took Italian classes at my Private school.

'What are they saying?' I whisper.

'Hanno inseguito la mia ragazza!' Adriano yells. I hear a thump and glass shatter, as if he threw something.

Translation: They attacked my girl!

'Lorenzo said she was more than capable of defending herself.' The woman says in English.

'I saw it myself.' Another voice says. Terzo.

I peer through the crack and suddenly wish I didn't. I make eye contact with a tall woman with long brown hair, with grey streaks through it and grey eyes. The same eyes as Adriano.


The door opens wide and she grabs my arm, pulling me into the room. There's a singular lamp illuminating the room. Adriano is leaning against a table, Terzo is standing to his right. Zoya is sitting down on a chair and Alessandro and Lorenzo are standing next to the window.

There's a table to the side filled with gun and knives.

'What did you hear.' She snarls.

'Nothing, I don't understand Italian!' I exclaim. She presses down harder on my arm.

'Boss that's Dilara.' Zoya says standing up. 'The girl we were just talking about.'

Boss? She must own the restaurant. That makes her Adriano's mum. But why is Zoya calling her boss.

'You're the girl I've heard so much about.' The woman says. She lets go of me and pushes me into the center of the room.

Two men in black suits stand in front of the door, blocking it. I look over at Adriano who crosses his arms, but winces as if even moving causes him pain.

'I'm Vittoria Giovanni.' She says extending her hand.

'Dilara Caesar.' I say shaking it.

'I've heard you can fight.' She says.

'Yeah, I've had some experience.' I reply.

'Show me.' She says calmly, picking up a knife.

'Now?' I ask. Vittoria nods. 'Who am I fighting?'

'Adriano.' She says.

'Does anyone have a hair tie?' I ask signalling to my loose hair.

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