Sid the Starseed

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I jump on the topic here though the background stories about it and about me are beyond of many discussions and I think telling it all will take a lot of chapters before this could be mention. So I'm gonna try to summarize this up. 

The degree of the topic here is already on a different level. Feel free not to continue. This story is not meant for everybody else but, if you're here about paranormal and horror stories and my experiences then I got 100ths to be written for you. Well from the very start everything is already hard to chew. Now it's a venture of different life and embracing different magnitude of understanding. 

So it happens that I googled its meaning as much as Sherry would want me to. I was shocked. All of its definitions, levels, understanding, it was all me. Everything is just correct and I couldn't say no to it. Here's how it was described. 

Starseed - is an old soul with deep spiritual wisdom, that's been lying dormant, having arrived from other solar systems or star constellations. Basically, you're an overachieving spiritual babe, here to remember who you truly are and trust your intuition. You'd do that through dreams, near-death experiences, and other life-changing experiences (Yeah, happens to me and everything of it was me.) 'It's funny that I could just copy paste here everything it will save me a lot of time since all of it was the definition of my life anyway.' 

Signs when you're Starseed. 'Let me break it down to you'

1. Early on, you were deemed to be a "space cadet." As a kid, people called you out at weird, different, odd - whatever adjective they chose to let you know that you're not like the rest. 
(I have mentioned many times that I'm so connected to my stars and everything beyond this planet)

2. You feel like you don't belong here. No matter where 'here' is, you feel like you're always a tourist no matter where you are, but find glimmers of belonging when you encounter like-minded souls who feel the same way.

At times, you can become agoraphobic because going out in the world can be too much in terms of energy, negativity, and disappointed with what we see happening in the world. You will have to force yourself to integrate into society, but always do it on your terms, and along the way, you'll find your community. (97% agree to what I feel)

3. You are very intuitive and psychic. Nothing gets by you, and you can spot a phony from a mile away. You've got a way of knowing things that others don't. Sometimes you'll get tagged as a know-it-all or judgemental is you peg a person as a bad seed before they've revealed their real side to the world. (I made people shocked many times when I turn to be the psychic one. Will reveal on next chapters)

4. Your empathy can be crippling. You're so empathic that you need to limit your time in crowds or at parties. At a party, you might be the person who seeks out the dog or cat to hang out with because you get each other. (Remember my first year motto? It's better to be alone than to have a bad companion.)

5. You're spiritual. Beyond the constraints of religion and orthodoxy, you are eager to learn as much as you can about spirituality and your spiritual path. The path your parents laid out didn't jive with you, so as you become an adult, you've been on a lifelong journey to find out the mysteries of the universe. Which at times has left you with some guilt and shame in regards to learning about that which many would label as outside the lines of traditional religion and inching towards the occult and New Age. (Supports about this is on incoming chapters)

6. Hidden knowledge + mysteries of the world are your jam. From the Pyramids and the Bermuda Triangle to aliens and ghosts, you're beyond intrigued. It leads you on to ley lines, energy, portals, Atlantis, quantum physics, psychic abilities, astrology, numerology, tarot, and the list goes on. You can't get enough, and you'll never get enough because you have an idea that what's being taught on Earth is a sanitized version of history, and they've got to be hiding something. Right? (Hell yeah:D 100%)

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