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In the New Testament, Jesus is said to have raised several persons from death. These resurrections included the daughter of Jairus shortly after death, a young man in the midst of his own funeral procession, and Lazarus of Bethany, who had been buried for four days. Well, I'm a christian, and I forgot to mention it. I am a Pentecost, oneness. Resurrection was stated in bible many times. Quran stated the same. 

Scientifically, "We don't know how long it takes after death for the cells to decay to such a point that no matter what you do, you can never get them back again," Parnia says. Which means that humans may take hours to fully die. Briton Audrey Schoeman a British woman whose heart stopped beating for six hours has been brought back to life in what doctors have described as an "exceptional case".

In my case, it was  a glimpsed of death. I'm pretty sure it wasn't an hour. Nobody was there to save my body. I was alone when I breathe heavily. Like my body grasps a full throttle of inhales and exhales. I was watching the ceiling. My eyes were open. There was nobody. I can't move. I thought I was in sleep paralysis at first but no. It was reality. It took me sometime before I started moving my fingers and toes. I cried. I remember some things happened. How stupid I became and lost in battle. How I let go of my life and let the death take over. I was foolish. I cried while nothing was moving but my lips and eyes. I can't believe it. Who can testify other than myself and God who's watching where ever He was. I was happy I had came back to life. 

How? Down that road I met a person. I couldn't disclose what happen since it's too early to discuss. I went back to life as the person pushed me down to the bottom. I was happy and thankful. A face I've never seen before. Hope I can draw this person so I can never forget. 

It took me half an hour facing the wall. Everything started to flashback before my eyes. How foolish I was. I felt so bad for myself. I regret all the times I wasted. I live as a very boring person. I was too focused with goals and life decisions still beats me. I got a very few friends. I was too rough for myself and to the people that surrounds me. Too sharp for everyone else. A person with zero vacation. Who's mind is everything about hard worked and all collapsed. 

Thinking of who I was and what I become in those minutes I woke up, I wanted to change. Maybe there's still hope left in me. I'm still young and free. I'm single and I got no responsibilities other than my own family. I should start all over again. Maybe it's time. To walk, travel, talk and make friends for real. Too many realizations came to my mind. Hoping that the devil won't interrupt. 

An hour later I managed to moved and stand up. I sat on the couch and open the door. It was still a one gloomy afternoon. The date was same. It's raining. I was sitting on the couch for too long. It's more than an hour sitting and staring nowhere. I was still out of my mind. I almost couldn't believe. Everything that happened was too much that my brain could hardly comprehend all happenings. Maybe it's time for you to know. Have you met Sid? 

NEXT: I, Sid 

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