Chapter 9: The Grey House Members

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Chapter 9: The Grey House Members

Sandra Adele Rosé

Yes, how I regretted those words the following morning at the place I worked at. I came in and everything seemed normal, Jennifer was back in her spot at the front desk located at the top floor lobby just facing the elevator.

I got my work when I arrived at Liam Douglas's office. As always he was on his laptop and marking stacks of paper. I took the list with three tasks to complete. He didn't look up from his work but managed to ask: "Did you get that letter done?" Liam said plainly.

"Ah, yes I did finish it, I gave a copy to Cameron- I mean Mr Laurence to prove read, sir." I thought he wasn't listening because of multitasking, but he told me to email him a copy ASAP, while writing something down from his laptop screen, then dismissed me.

But I thought it was a way of getting kicked out. I went to Cameron's office for the time being and began with the first task on the list, which says: order the daily reports into date order in a database. As Cameron was good at introduction, he explained to me in short term the purpose of a database.

He was a gentleman, funny and had a good humour. I wonder how him and Liam are friends if they are complete opposite. Being curious I gave it a shot. "So... you and Liam have a good friendship." He turned to look at me for the longest time.

"If it's Liam you want to know about, you could have just said-" I knew he was clever but not this clever. He caught on very quickly, however that was not the case.

Cameron was close, except not close enough. "Actually, I wanted to hear your story." Instead of giving me a reply he smirked.

"So you are interested in my story," He said slowly, processing what I had just said. "Well, I hate to break it to you but you know what they say: an eye for an eye, but in this case your story for mine." That one sided grin on his lips. Damn was he good.

"You know what, forget I asked." I casually type the data from the sheets into the database, ignoring his teasing stare. By the time I finished task one I was exhausted. My back and hands ache from the uncomfortable position I sat in on the leather sofa.

I went to the printing room also located in the copying room, to collect the print out of the database. There were three pages, that I gave to Liam as I arrived in his office. He flipped throw them for about four five seconds before throwing them on his desk.

"Have a seat, that's good arrangement and title you did." I saw him put a hand through his almost black hair, as I sit down on the usual chair. "Now tell me something, do you--"

The doors burst open, cutting Liam right of the middle of his sentence. I heard a shuffle then heavy foot steps enter. "I'm sorry sir, I couldn't stop them." Jennifer? That must be her. I didn't turn around because her voice sounded very scared and uneasy from her usual character.

Liam's face hardened as he raised to his feet. "You may go-" He was interrupted yet again and I saw his jaw clench as he straightens out his suit.

"No, she will stay." A deep bitter voice said holding authority. I think I shrank in my seat.

"Gentlemen, what a unexpected visit and a rude way to intrude my office. How may I help you?" That might sound welcoming to you however it was as if he was sending those people behind me to hell, personally.

That very same man said: "Who do you take us for Douglas? We are very important people, with high expectations and you or whoever send us this piece of rubbish think you can waste my time?" He didn't shout, it was just loud and demanding for answers.

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