Chapter 11: The Babysitter

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Chapter 11: The Babysitter

Sandra Adele Rosé

My mouth tasted bitter at the sight of the grand house that stood in front of Liam, Ade and I. It was... okay, let me just cut this crap, and because I love you beautiful listeners, I'll take a picture.

I turn to the hand tucking on my leg. "Why are you holding that shiny think to that?" My cute daughter, Liam sweeps into his arms carefully, said in her baby voice.

"Because I'm taking a picture." I said, while Liam raises his eyebrow. I wave him off and take that picture I promised you guys. It was still early in the morning but it resembles the evening time, I hope you could actually forgive me for the bad image- my phone is not all a smartphone.

"I'd advice you to record it because that's not even half of it." Liam advised shrugging, and making his way to the porch. He was right I took the picture from a bad angle, but you can imagine the rest.

Question: Reasons I was not surprised or flabbergasted.

Well for one, I have seem a much bigger mansion in my life time- hell, I have even lived in one, but that was just bad memories from a long time ago. I had to admit this looked quite beautiful at this time.

I walked fast, to catch up with Liam. You think it was simple dragging me here? Sorry to disappoint you, it took a argument, in which Liam won to get me to agree to this stupid idea of his.

Me: "Liam I won't do it!"

Liam: "How about I give you a reason?"

We were just outside my daughters room, while the doctor checks Ade to go.

Me: "You can't make me live with you!"

Liam: "Yes me. Is it because I'm sexy and irresistible? What did you read in those magazines about me?"

He went kind of off topic and that was an argument to change the topic, but I caught on quickly.

Me: "Stop changing the topic."

Liam: "Fine I'll tell you exactly what I think." He said with a blank face. "Both of you will not live in that cardboard boxed house. Your pulling Adeline's health in danger-" I gasped. "You asked for it, and I'll tell you my thoughts. It's dangerous beyond my list, because that place is not even stable. It's junk..."

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