Chapter One

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"Lonely-- I'm so Lonely! I have nobody--" I sang in squeaky voice as i sucked the helium out of a balloon that a fan had given me along with a bouquet of white roses.

Suddenly I was cut off by Paige squrting me in the face with silly string making me look at her.

"Hey!" I yelled with a high pitched voice making Sasha and Trin burst out laughing.

"I just got that on camera!" Trin wheezed as she sat opposite me on one of the equipment boxes backstage.

Trin was my cousin in Law and also my best friend along with Sasha and Paige.

We were forever together. Roman Reigns the Smackdown Champion is my husband and Trinity is married to his cousin, Jimmy.

Roman was known as the Tribal Chief and the head of the table, which made The Usos his right hand men. We were waiting for them to finish their match so we could drive to the next City for a house show.

"Oh my gosh, that's hilarious! Please send me that!" Sasha laughed making me pout before spraying them with the substance which we decided to start a war and spray each other.

"Oh, no way! You guys got Silly string?" Xavier woods smiled just as the new day walked down the hall and stopped in front of us.

"Why? Jealous!" I smiled waving the can in his face.

"Yeah! I want some too!" He pouted making Kofi clap him on the back with a chuckle.

"Give me some pancakes and I'll give it to you!" I shrugged looking at Big E carrying a plate of Pancakes.

"Here!" Xavier smiled grabbing four and handing them to me.

I smiled before handing him the can and taking the pancakes. I gave one to each of the girls before taking a bite of my own.

"Seriously? Alex-- its empty!" He whined making me laugh.

"Here!" Paige said tossing him a can and he smiled before spraying me in the face.

"Aw, come on dude, seriously!" I whined.

"That's what you get!" He laughed.

"Get that can out of my face before I stick this bouquet up your asshole!" I joked making him stick his tongue out at me.

"Oh my God-- did you guys hear that Eva got drafted back down to NXT with Nattie?" Sasha spoke and we looked at her.

"Seriously? You'd think after all the training she would be any better, now Nattie is stuck with her whiny ass!" Paige scoffed.

"Ya'll are so rude!" Kofi laughed and I looked at him.

"Aw, thank you!" I smiled making him shake his head.

"We got to get going! See you in the next City!" Big E smiled as they started walking away. But he stopped in front of me and took a flower from the bouquet making me frown.

"Thanks!" He smiled before running down the hall after the boys.

"Hey, those were for Roman, you dipshit!" I yelled making them laugh.

"What is for me?" Roman's voice asked from the other end of the hall making me turn to look at him as he and the twins approached us all sweaty from the match.

"These roses, but Big E took one!" I pouted making him laugh.

"Dude, you give your man roses?" Paige laughed.

"Yeah! So we can roll around in them later!" I smirked making the others pull a face.

"That is just nasty!" Jimmy commented making me laugh out loud.

"I'm kidding!". I snorted.

"She normally just drops one out the window at the people outside the hotel and sees who picks it up!" Roman chuckled as he stood in between my legs.

"Um, Question! Why are you girls covered in silly string?" Jey asked confused.

"Oh, you have to see this!" Trin laughed making me go wide eyed.

"No!" I yelled trying to pry her cellphone out her hands.

"What did you do?" Roman laughed with a weird look.

"Nothing!" I replied quickly.

He grabbed my hand before leaning on them so I couldn't get the phone allowing Trin to show the boys the video making me groan.

The boys busted out laughing just as I got sprayed in the face followed by the 'hey', making them laugh even harder.

"Ya'll seriously out here doing this shit?" Jey laughed.

"Aw come on, it's funny!" Sasha laughed.

"The life of the party!" Paige added.

"Oh, I love that movie!" I smiled making them look at me confused.

"What? Melissa McCarthy!" I shrugged.

"All right, well get your shit together, we're leaving soon!" Roman spoke before leaning in to kiss me but I pulled away and he looked at me funny.

"You're sweaty!" I stated making him chuckle before pulling me against him making me whine as he got his sweat all over me.

He kissed me cheek before pulling away with with smile.

"You're lucky you don't stink else I would've drop kicked you back to Pensacola!" I mumbled.

"We'll be out in 15!" Jimmy spoke before the three of them walked down the hall towards their locker room.

"All right! We're out of here! We'll see you tomorrow!" Paige stated as she hopped off the box followed by Sasha.

"Love you! See you later!" Sasha smiled before we bent down to hug them.

"Later!" Trin smiled as they walked down the hall with their bags.

"Trin!" I called and she looked at me with a hum.

"I didn't want to say anything before but Stephanie asked to see me at the Arena tomorrow night before smackdown!" I informed and she looked at me confused.

"You worried?" She asked and I nodded.

"Maybe it's a new storyline!" She shrugged.

"Maybe, but they're also releasing Superstars. What if I'm next? I won't be able to see Roman for days. Plus he's home once a week. That would affect our marriage!" I explained and she pulled me into a hug.

"Alex, I doubt that would happen. You're the face of the company alongside Roman. Have faith!" She reassured before pulling back and I gave her a small smile.

"All right! Let's get out of here!" Jimmy spoke as the boys approached us with their luggage.

Trin and I hopped off the crates before grabbing our stuff and walking down the hall holding our man's hands.

Roman helped us load our stuff in the trunk of the car we were all sharing before Jey tossed me the keys.

"You're driving!" He stated and I stood there gaping at the men.

"What? Why me?" I asked confused.

"Because you only had a segment tonight. And our bodies hurt!" He answered getting in the backseat next to his brother and Trin.

I looked at Roman with a pout and he chuckled.

"Love you baby!" He smiled kissing me and we heard a bunch of fans cheering behind us.

"We love you!" They screamed making me turn to look at them and wave.

"I love you too!" I yelled towards them before hopping into the drivers seat and starting the car.

"Put your seat belt on, babe!" Roman stated as he slide the buckle into the slot.

I did what he said before driving out the Arena and onto the highway.

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