Chapter fifteen

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Paige and I sat down just as the boys joined us and Roman instantly took a seat next to me before pulling my chair closer to him and grabbing my leg to throw over his thigh.

I saw Solo walking over to the buffet table and since I was also feeling hungry but too lazy to actually get up and get food for myself I yelled after him.

"Solo, could you bring me some too, please?" I pouted and he looked back at me.

"You got it, cuz". He nodded making me smile.

"I love being waited on". I sighed making the boys chuckle just as Trin and Sasha walked up to the table and sat down.

"Do you ever wonder what It would be like if none of us met?" Paige asked and we turned to look at her confused.

"That was so random". Roman commented with a chuckle.

"Now that you mention it, I feel like I'd be working as some receptionist with five cats and no family to go home to". I answered.

"You lucky Nattie didn't hear you about the cats part because she would have taken it as an insult". Jey chuckled.

"It was an insult". I smiled.

"But you as a receptionist? I can totally see that". Roman smiled and I looked at him.

"In a tight little skirt and a blouse tucked in with your cleavage showing? I would totally be turned on if I was your boss". He added and I gave him a weird look.

"What kind of porn have you been watching?" I questioned making the group laugh just as Solo came back and placed my food in front of me.

"Thanks". I smiled at him as he sat down.

"I don't! You won't let me". He pointed out.

"Well obviously, why would you when you have me to perv over". I scoffed and he shook his head.

"What are we talking about?" Solo questioned confused.

"Porn!" Everyone chorused and he looked at us weirdly.

"Okay, then". He mumbled before digging into his plate.

I began eating the food in front of me as Jimmy started  a conversation with Roman and I was halfway done with my food when I started getting full.

I pushed my plate away from me and Jimmy reached forward to grab the last piece of corn bread and shoved it into his mouth.

"What time do we have to be at the hotel?" Sasha asked typing away at her phone.

"Well I was planning on leaving early because I just ate and I need me a piece of my man's dessert". I smirked making Jimmy choke on the corn bread slightly as Roman looked at me with a glint in his eye.

"I don't know who's sex drive is more worse, yours or Jimmy's". Trin commented making me laugh.

"I'm just surprised you ain't pregnant yet". Paige added.

"It's called pull and pray, sister". I smiled and she laughed.

"Birth control works just fine, you know". Roman chuckled.

"Guys, I'm eating". Solo groaned making me snicker.

The table fell in comfortable silence as Roman ran his palm up and down my thigh soothingly and I rested my head against his shoulder with a soft yawn.

"Dude, with the way you're yawning, I doubt Roman is gonna get lucky tonight". Sasha commented making me smile.

"Oh, by the way. Are we still hitting the center tomorrow morning?" Paige questioned and I looked at the girls for confirmation.

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