Chapter 60

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Guess who's here with the final chapter? I'm sorry I'm late because I had some personal affairs I needed to attend to. I hope this chapter makes you forgive me for the delay?

P.S. please read the author's note below?

P.P.S. Happy women's day!


Whoever said handling a baby was difficult, hadn't made the adult version of the baby named Adrian Isaac Stone.

"He'd better drink this or I'm going to kill him with my bare hands." I mumbled to myself as I opened the door to the hospital room Adrian was staying on. He was sitting up on the bed while his brother Aaron sat beside him. It had been three days since he'd woken up and the man had been complaining continually about having to drink soup every day. Granted, it wasn't not an ideal thing anyone would want to live on but still, there was no need to be so fussy.

That wasn't even half of it. He had been throwing tantrums about everything. The bed was creaky for him- which it wasn't because I'd been sleeping in the same bed, the colors of the walls weren't to his liking, the hospital TV was dull, his phone wasn't beeping much meaning his employees weren't doing their jobs properly and the tree across the window held no fruits on it which he found boring. These three days with hospitalized Adrian Stone made me think of his mother with a very high regard. She really was a superwoman to have managed to handle him for all these years.

"Oh, hello, lovely Evelyn. How're you doing this fine day?" I raised my eyebrows at Aaron, who was giving me what must probably be his best smirk. I only rolled my eyes thinking he looked utterly ridiculous. He was a fool to think I'd find his smirk attractive when I'd been exposed to his brother's more times than I could remember.

"I'm very well, Aaron. How are you?" I asked politely as I went towards Adrian's bed and placed the paper bag on the bedside locker. The devil immediately made a face when he saw that I'd brought him some soup again. I grinned at his obvious displeasure and gave him a wink, to which he responded with a roll of his eyes, pretending to gag.

"I'm very well too, now that I saw your beautiful face. It's a lovely day indeed and that's all because of you, kind lady." Aaron's voice pulled both of us out of our little bubble and I watched in amusement as Adrian's playful smile quickly turned into a scowl.

"Aaron, you better get your ass out of here before I decide to show you just how lovely your day will be." Adrian threatened with a voice that literally said not to mess with him.

The silly boy only smirked in response at him- a very wrong move considering the foul mood of his brother added with the sight of soup. "Are you jealous, brother? Never mind, green actually suits you like nothing else."

"Aaron, don't you have to get back to college?" I asked him.

He widened his eyes at my words. "Oh, shit. I almost forgot! Thanks for reminding me, beautiful Evelyn." I watched warily as he crossed the room to stand in front of me and took my right hand. Smirking at his brother, he pressed a kiss on the back of my hand and whispered close to my ear. "I just love seeing my brother jealous." He gave me a cheeky grin and his brother a mock salute before sauntering out of the door, whistling all the way.

I shook my head at his retreating form before sitting down on the chair beside his bed.

"Charming, isn't he?" Adrian said dryly.

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