Chapter 4

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I don't know what happened to me, I was sleeping, then all of a sudden I was overwhelmed with excruciating pain, I don't know what the pain was from. Then something bit me and all the pain started going away, it was like it was being drained out of me.

"What happened?" Dad asks

"I don't know, all of a sudden I felt this excruciating pain," I say "It was weird" I hear a thump beside my bed, I crawl to the side of my bed and see Bella on the floor beside my bed. I scoop her up gently, making sure that her head doesn't flop back.

"Bella, Bella, wake up! Dad do something"

Dad says "Shift", he says it again using lots of his alpha power, "Shift," because he used a tremendous amount of his alpha power, I'm forced to shift, but when I see that Bella is also shifting, I nearly faint in shock.

Bella Shifts into a girl, she has straight brown hair and blue eyes, then, before I could look at her anymore, Dad quickly covers her with my blanket, preventing me from looking any more, though her head still sticks out.

I shift back, quickly pulling on my pajamas from before.

Suddenly Bella sits up and starts coughing up blood, Dad goes up to her and pats her back gently, causing her to slowly stop coughing. Dad helps her lean gently against the wall that by bed leans up against, then asks gently "what's your name? Is there a reason you were a Cat?"

Sorry for the short chapter :P though Chapter 3 was quite long

I can't believe this story has 26 views!

So excited for the next chapter, even though I'm writing it :P
Comment if I should continue to write more
In a bit of a struggling phase, my sister attempted suicide last night so might not be writing as much

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