Chapter Twenty

926 49 48

Updated: March 4, 2022
Edited: June 30, 2023

They weren't in there for much longer, thank goodness, and within the blink of an eye, the two of them were back at their campsite. The entire way back, Beomgyu didn't dare look in Taehyun's direction, staring out into the trees around them instead despite not being able to see anything through the darkness. He just felt awkward looking at the younger after basically seeing him entirely naked.

"How was it?" Yeonjun asked the moment both Beomgyu and Taehyun walked up to them.

"How was what?" Taehyun asked, throwing his bag on the mat.

"The showers."

"Oh, it was fine."

"Mhm." Heh... it was definitely not fine. Beomgyu made his way past the four of them to his tent. I almost fucking suffocated. It was so hot in there!

But, of course, the heat wasn't from the temperature of the water nor the temperature from the steam and fog.

Stepping into the tent, Beomgyu slipped off his shoes. Inside, the tent was split into uneven halves—one side had an unrolled sleeping bag and the other had a laid out pile of blankets. Honestly, the sight even had Beomgyu chuckling to himself. Making his way to his stuff, he plopped his bath bag beside it. Then, he dug into his backpack and took out his phone charger before crawling over to the outlet port Beomgyu and Taehyun had installed a while ago.


"Yeah?" Beomgyu plugged in his phone, seeing his screen light up with a white outline of a battery and a slim red line on one end.

"Can you get me a jacket? It's kind of cold out here."

Beomgyu gazed over at Taehyun's stuff, shuffling over to it. He opened the backpack. "Which one?" He called back, looking through it and seeing a few different ones.

"The one I lend you earlier today."

Beomgyu choked on his breath.

Okay, but what was he expecting? Taehyun brought that jacket to wear himself, so he was going to wear it eventually.

"O-okay!" He gazed around for the familiar gray jacket, even digging into the backpack again and the duffle back next to it. "Wait, where did you put it? I don't see it in here." He even glanced over at his own pile of things in case he had thrown it over by accident.

Suddenly, Taehyun's footsteps were heard walking towards the tent, and Beomgyu felt his heartbeat increasing drastically in anticipation—he didn't even know why. The first-grader stuck his head through the unzipped section of the tent, peeking inside.

His heart skipped a beat.

Taehyun just sticking his inside through the tent looked absolutely endearing. His head and face were small, and he looked much younger than he was. Without seeing his body, the silver-haired boy looked exactly like what he was, a young teenager. He looked cute and like the most squishy-looking squirrel in the forest. There was no need to see the muscles, but that part just added to Taehyun's attractiveness.

Maybe that was just Beomgyu's opinion.

"It's not in here?" Taehyun asked, scanning the dark tent.

Beomgyu looked back at him and shrugged.

"Hold on." The first-grader left for a moment and came back with a light. He slipped off his shoes and stepped in, holding the lantern out.

Seeing the younger come inside, Beomgyu swore he almost fainted, again. Taheyun's body was large, built not like a teenager but instead more like someone in their twenties just starting their body-building journey, and it was suffocating. It ruined that cute image from earlier.

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