Three - Brunch

562 14 3

Cassiopeia Odette.
Los Angeles, California

July 2nd, 2021

The buzzing of my phone wakes me with a start. I groan and turn over to pick it up

Lamelo Ball (fiancé)


"Hello?" I point the camera at the ceiling. Melo stands shirtless, fluffling and fixing his wet hair.

"Hey, I woke you up?" he glances down at the camera before looking forward and messing with his hair

"No, it's okay" I cover my yawn and look at the steam swirling behind him"You just got out the shower?"

"Yea. I just finished Big Baller's workout. Wanted to know if you was up to link and talk shit over?"

"Sure. When and where?"

"I'll pick you up in thirty" he continues looking ahead of him and playing with his curls

"Okay" I crawl out of bed and carry the phone with me to the bathroom "Um... can you give me like forty-five minutes?"

"You want an hour?"

"Well, no not if it inconveniences you or anything. I can be ready in five if y-"

Melo cuts me off with a small laugh "I'll be there in an hour"

"Okay, thanks"

"Mhm, bye Dee"

"Bye Melo" I hang up and turn the shower on


Lamelo Ball (fiancé)


I quickly grab my purse and phone before leaving my apartment and heading out the front.

A tennis ball yellow lamborghini urus sits parked out front my apartment building with loud bass music shaking the car and drawing attention from neighbors and people walking by

I fast walk over and quickly hop in the car

"Hey," Melo glances up from his phone at me and smiles

"Hi," I yell over the music

"What you yelling fo?" Melo frowns at me

"It's loud" I continue yelling while making hand motions

"You don't play music in the car?" Melo lowers the music down to a somewhat respectable volume but people are still staring at the highlighter car

"Well not that loud no, and not that based. It's usually like really calm, zen type music"

"So you just don't get hype?" he puts his phone in a cup holder and pulls out of the parking spot

"Umm... What's your definition of hype?"

"My defin- No way you're serious" Melo glances over at me with a small smile

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