Nine - Birthday Suit

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Cassiopeia Odette.
Downtown French Quarters, New Orleans LA

Twenty-One things I love about Lamelo:
1. His smile.        7.                 13.            19.
2. His touch       8.                  14.            20.
3.                        9.                  15.
4.                      10.                  16.
5.                      11.                  17.
6.                      12.                  18.

21. Him

I wouldn't say I'm in love with him, because I'm not. I will say I have love for him though, I've grown to care about him over the months. In our months of "seeing where things go" I think I formed an attachment to him that I was trying my hardest to avoid or recognize.

I don't think it was a specific moment that drove this feeling for him, but more so an accumulation of events that formed this connection driven by the realization that he had already fallen.

Let me fill you in.

August 22nd

Melo and his friends had been in New Orleans for the past three days getting drunk and crossfaded every night in pre-celebration of his birthday. I'm sure he probably brought females back to the AirBnb but, quite honestly, I didn't really care. It was all fake, as long as he didn't get caught I wasn't going to stress myself. We hadn't established our 'situationship' yet and I didn't want to be that girl that bugs her boyf- situation to put a title on what could just be a fling. Even if the fling is bound to end in a wedding; no need to rush.

Since my visit to him in LA we were making a conscious effort to get to know each, get comfortable, and had gone on a date the other day, which went pretty well. He was a touchy person, often puttin his hand on my back, waist, or shoulder; I didn't mind it, it was always respectful and never led to much else. Surprisingly, the closest we had gotten to 'intimacy' so far was a kiss on the corner of my lips that somewhat excited me for a moment but nothing ensued. I'll admit, I was quite shocked (and still am) that he hasn't pushed for more, based on my previous observations and rumors he wasn't a 'slow and steady wins the race' type of guy.

Nonetheless,  today Jelly, I, and the rest of the family girlfriends are coming in to ruin the affairs and get some dick; except me, of course. Melo and I had vaguely spoken of the arrangement for this weekend. We would be sharing a room to keep up the act, not that we hadn't shared a bed before but that was innocent. Today- tonight, I didn't care about keeping things uncomplicated anymore. What happens, happens. Maybe something more tangible might come from tonight, or maybe a one night type thing.

"So, how are you and Melo? Excited for his birthday?" Evoni asks

"Yup" I push a smile, exchanging glances with Jelly

I can't stand Evoni, the whole plane ride here all she could talk about was Melo being great for me and Gelo not doin enough for her. I'm really starting to think she wants Melo cause, be so serious, no one cares about their boyfriend's brother and girlfriend this much.

"Are we gonna have to put a towel under the door tonight," she give a breathy laugh and looks at me, waiting for recognition of her joke

"I dont get it " I mumble

I actually do get it, I'm not dumb or innocent. What I don't get is how she thought that was an appropriate thing to say, especially since I don't know her to be joking like that.

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