࿇ ✥ ࿇ CHAPTER-19 ࿇ ✥ ࿇

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Karna stood up from his place after the performance and went towards subbadhra dussala

Dussala : excellent maharaj you nailed it

Subbadhra : yes maharaj it was amazing

While kunti and gandhari came there to complement karna

Gandhari : panprit magadharaj

Karna : panprit maharani , panprit Rajamata

The word Rajamata which came from karna mouth hurts kunti

Gandhari : it was amazing magadharaj , i have never heard anyone playing veena like this

Karna smiled and replied " thank you maharani "

While they were talking suddenly a voice made entire crowd focus on him

" Father must be proud of you baby brother "

Karna smiled seeing the person who was leaning on a pillar

Karna : what is god of death doing on earth

It was none other than lord Yama eldest son of suryadev

When karna said lord of death everyone understand who is he , the crowd can't believe the almighty is present before them ,

Yama : just paying visit to see my baby brother

Karna : seriously jeysht ?!! Baby i am young man

Yama : to us always you are always baby

Karna smiled and went hugged him

Karna : fun aside ?!! what are you doing here

Yama : mata asked me to ask you whether you want to celebrate your birthday in suryalok or we want to present in your kingdom

Karna : do we have to celebrate this year also

Yama : only on your birthday our entire family present in one place do you want to spoil that

Suddenly yama eyes fall on his son yuddistar

Yama : oh along with my baby brother my son is also present here , i didn't know that

Saying this he went towards yuddistar and blessed him

Karna just followed his brother who went towards his son

Karna : we can celebrate in my kingdom

Yama : fine then i will inform mother about it

Yama : if you wish you too can come son along with your brothers nakul and sahadev , they also can meet thier celestial father , grandfather , grandmother

Yuddistar : but pithashree magadharaj

Yama : don't worry about him , i don't think he will say no , he is good brother i don't think he will deny his big brother order

Karna : you can come rajkumar i have no problem

Yama : fine then i have to go i have some urgent works

Before going he gave karna a rectangular shape object completely covered " it's for you baby brother " which is written on the cover

Saying this he vainshed out of nowhere , karna shooked his head

Other who just witnessed thier conversation can't believe what just happened

Subbadhra : what is this ??

Karna : who knows

Dussala : can you open it now maharaj ??

Karna nodded and started to tear the cover

Suddenly others started smiling while karna eyes widened seeing it

All the members of suryalok family was there including karna but it was a potrait where karna was five years old sitting with only diaper playing with a bow  while godess yami was holding him

Karna immediately covered the potrait but it was no use as it is already seen by kunti dussala and subbadhra

Karna was embarassed by this , he rushed inside the palace

After karna went dussala laughed out loud while subbadhra and kunti smiled more

Gandhari : dussala what happened why are laughing like this

Kunti : nothing jiji it's just what dussala see in magadharaj portrait that why she is laughing

Arjun : what is there to laugh in this

dussala : because you didn't see it bhartha that why

Subbadhra : no telling to anyone dussala or bua he is already embarassed so don't tell

Both nodded

Dussala : but looks like he is the most pampered child of suryalok 

Subbadhra : i don't know that

Yuddistar : but the way pithashree treated him , looks like he is

Kunti was so happy that her eldest son get the love and the prevailages which he deserved

Karna came there after keeping the potrait

Dussala and subbadhra just snickered seeing him

Subbadhra : magadharaj are you the most pampered child in your family

Karna : no nothing like that

Kunti : but lord Yama said you are favourite son of lord Suryadev

Karna : no it's not that , i am more similar like my father than other my siblings i have a radiance like him , i keep up time like him and i am the youngest so its looks like that

All others nodded at him while karna spoked

Suddenly a eagle came and sit in the hands of karna

Karna wondered why someone sent message through the eagle what is so urgent

Karna opened the letter , his face became serious when he starts reading the letter

Karna just folds the letter in irritation knowing that his idiotic friend idea getting his sakhi married to chedhi yuvaraj

Subbadhra : what happened maharaj is something important

Karna : immediately send letter to dwarka and ask madhav , balram to be present here tommorow in hastinapur

Subbadhra : but both have some important work that why in first place they didn't came

Karna : mention that i asked to come immediately i don't think madhav will deny

Subbadhra just nodded

Karna : grant me permission maharani i have some important work to do

Gandhari : what happened maharaj

Karna : i have to leave for vibdhabra kingdom today i will return soon before tomorrow morning

Subbadhra : is it about Bharathashree and bhabhishree

Karna : Looks like if i didn't go my idiotic friend rukmi will destroy my sakhi life so i have to go

Saying this he went informed drithrastra , bheesma and vidur , started his journey towards vibdhabra with the help of his father's celestial chariot


How was my 19 th chapter ??

Sorry guys for late update i have heavy schedule , hope you all like my chapter ..

This chapter was written in hurry

I will make my upcoming chapters better , if you not like this chapter sorry for it

Will rukmi allow rukmini to go with karna ??

where do you all want rukmini and krishna marriage to take place magadha or hastinapur or dwaraka ??


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