࿇ ✥ ࿇ CHAPTER-43 ࿇ ✥ ࿇

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Karna who just ran outside the sabha picked one of the horses and then started to ride towards the area which was in the flood , some soldiers followed behind him in thier horses

while the sabha after karna left was completely silent , everyone was in thier own thoughts while some having negative thoughts while some has postive about karna abodoning the royals

" don't worry your little brother is capable enough to protect his kingdom " bhagwan parshuram said those words understanding the celestials thought's

To which they all nodded while suddenly vidur spoked making everyone come out of thier thoughts and focus on him

" wasn't it wrong bhagwan parashuram what's your son did now , i understand that saving his peoples are kings priority but leaving the people who are present here just for them " vidur asked .

Pandavas looked at thier kakashree with a smile atleast he understood them now .

" what happened to you vidur " asked bhisma

" Tatshree , we royals are assembled here for him leaving the sabha in middle for common people is an insult for us " vidur  spoke his thoughts making celestials angry

" mahamantri it is not insulting, it's about how we take it , vrisha priorities are his peoples life more than his birthday celebration .  it's not something that he pre planned to leave the sabha or made a plan to insult you all and it's nothing more than that" explained krishna

" who are you all to talk about karna , your tatshree has abducted me along with my three sisters, your tatshree has forced gandhar Kingdom to marry their princess to your brother wasn't that all wrong here you and your family are questioning karna way of behaviour " spoked amba who got angry listening to hastinapur family thoughts karna .

bhisma put his head down while shakuni smirked seeing bhisma reaction .

shani who was hearing everything against his brother was getting irritated by Hastinapur's family but he controlled himself as they were the guests of his brothers .

while yam dev shooked his head hearing his son's so called dharm same goes for yami she was irritated hearing his twin son speech about what is dharm .


while the stalwarts of Hastinapur gave away their displeasure at the breach of royal protocol displayed by the young king, karna on the other side galloped on his horse towards the site of disaster.

His mind was clouded with the thoughts of the cause of the dam wreckage, extent of the damage thinking how the dam broke and most importantly the precarious situation his subjects were reduced to.

His ever radiant countenance lost its divine glamour and painted a portrait of the eclipsed sun.

when he reached the outskrits of Rajagriha, the scenario perturbed him . many people who were stranded on rooftops were shouting for the help  , while some people were already being flown away in the water but were afloat   with the help of wooden debris , soldiers were trying to help the people to reach  the safe place but the proportion of the distressed and the rescuers met no match.

soldiers and the army chief who came with karna following him from the palace were looking at their maharaj waiting for his orders

" Try to save everyone , no one should die , if needed use the entire army of magadha and inform the minister to   prepare the places for the people to stay" saying this karna summoned his bow

The army chief who ordered the soldiers just to bring the boats and ordered to assemble the soldiers who were specialised in swimming , the soldiers nodded at their army chief .

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