56 ∞ The Cart Ride

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Shortlisted - Day 0001

 "So, what about you?" asked Harlin. "Are you coming back?"

"I have to discuss it with my wife," said Gareth as the elevator door came into view.

"Most women I know wouldn't allow their man to take the chance of dying," stated Harlin.

"Some things are worth the risk."

"And what would that be?"

"A chance to reach the stars," answered Gareth. "A chance to make a home on a new planet someday when I retire."

"Wouldn't time dilation be a factor?"

"Cold sleep, remember?"

"Yeah, but not just anybody on Earth gets cold sleep privileges."

"An LS captain isn't just anybody," stated Gareth flatly as they waited before the elevator door.

"You got me there," said Harlin with a broad smile. "I knew there was a reason I like you."

They entered the elevator, took hold of the hand bar, and started descending, their weights increasing the further out from the hub they traveled.

Gareth looked directly at Harlin. "Good. Then maybe you could help me with a favor."

"Oh? What's that?"

"Do you think your friend could get me on an early shuttle to Earth?"

Harlin laughed out loud. "Easily done. I'll tell him you're with me."

"You're going to Earth?"

"I've never seen the tourist sights on Earth. If Command is paying the travel tab, I'm going sightseeing," said Harlin with a big grin. "Hey, would it be alright if I stop by your place overnight if I'm in town? Save me the hotel bill?"

Gareth smiled at him. "Sure. My wife won't mind."

"Great, thanks in advance!"

Gareth left Harlin to go gather a few belongings from his bunk cabin, with an agreement to meet him at the docks later. The announcement of making the Two Hundred filled him with excitement and trepidation at the same time. As he rolled his clothes tightly and packed them into his duffel bag, his mind raced in circles. He'd made it, the final stretch to becoming the Captain of a Living Ship, the greatest of commands. Yet, the thought of Caitlin and how she would feel about it kept coming back to him.

Would she understand? Did he have the right to ask her to understand? She was his partner, and she had as much say in this decision as he did. Would she be willing to risk becoming a widow? Would he, if the situation were reversed? No, he knew he wouldn't, so how could he ask her?

His thoughts swirled as he gathered and packed his hygiene items. It wasn't right to ask this of her, he decided—he was obligated to her. She'd endured him being gone for months and years at a time. He couldn't just ask her to take that risk—it wouldn't be fair of him. Rising this far, being a Two Hundred would be a great boost to his career. He would have his pick of assignments. Maybe Caitlin wouldn't mind moving to Luna or Maar. They could help in building the next stepping stones for Mankind.

Maybe, if Caitlin was willing, they could retire to one of the outposts further out. There, they could build their own concept of a world. Some of the asteroid posts were almost versions of paradise, he knew, for he had seen them. Caitlin had no tolerance for zero-G, but hopefully, she'd be willing to try a low-G environment. He was sure she could adjust if she'd give herself the chance.

What if she insisted on staying on Earth—could he bear that? On Earth, he'd be delegated to a paper jockey. No, probably not, but he would make the attempt if she asked it of him. He could land a position doing shuttle runs to Luna with ease, but would he be able to endure it? To stand on the moon's surface and stare at the stars he would never reach? That seemed like torture.

CANAISIS ∞ Chronicle One ∞ 2:  A Captain's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now