64 ∞ The Hazard of Polygamy

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Day 00009 Mission Nilex

Gareth shrugged on his Captain's jacket and reached for his gun belt. Strapping on his sidearm, he made some adjustments. «How do I look, Canaisis?»

«Suitably respectful for your station, Captain.»

He'd decided to don the formal wear similar to what he'd worn when Nilex boarded nine days ago. Gray jacket with his Captain's stars on the lapels and tailcoat that reached his knees, white shirt with Canaisis' symbol on his left breast pocket. Black pants with a thin grey stripe down the sides of the legs, matching his jacket. Pants legs tucked into black calf-high boots.

He wasn't sure why he felt the need to dress up, but making an impression couldn't hurt. Not to Ahmid, but the brunette woman, Lina. She unsettled him. Wearing his formal wear gave him a psychological sense of donning armor. His gut told him he would need every advantage he could get if he had to confront her again-that woman had a way of looking through a person.

«She's only being protective of someone she loves, Captain.»

«Eavesdropping again, Canaisis? It's not like you to be so obvious. What's going on?»

«Nothing as unusual as that, Captain. Ayla is my sister now-I understand Lina's actions. Is it all that strange that I take an interest in you and Ayla?»

«Putting it that way, no. But we've talked about your eavesdropping in the past. Don't do it to Ayla, not until she learns to communicate with you and gets to know you a little.»

«Aye, Captain. Thank you for the advice.»

«Sorry, Canaisis. I'm just trying to ensure Ayla has a chance to adjust in a positive way. Having a voice in your thoughts can be unsettling at first. I gave you permission to "look in" because we've known each other for so long, and I don't mind. Ayla, on the other hand, will need reassurance of her privacy. Adjusting to your presence was very difficult for me, especially during those moments when one would expect to have privacy.»

«I've always respected your privacy, have I not?»

«Yes, for the most part, you have. But take going to the bathroom, for example. A person doesn't want company in their head during those times.»

«That's mostly due to the fact that a Human feels most vulnerable during those moments, and therefore doesn't want to be observed. And what do you mean "for the most part"? I've always respected your privacy.»

«Do you remember when I went to the bathroom a few days after you gave me your Nanos, and you popped into my head to tell me I needed to change my diet? There's a time and a place to bring up eating habits, and doing so while someone is having a bowel movement isn't one of them.»

«I have no interest in your bowel movements beyond medical interests. As Captain, your health is my priority. Your privacy does not override that.»

Gareth let out a big sigh as he gripped both sides of his jacket to tug it downward and started for the door. He paused to pick up a small box sitting on the edge of his desk, put it into his jacket pocket, then headed out.

«I know you meant well. But I assure you, Ayla will be as open to a bathroom discussion of dietary needs as I was-don't do it.»

«I learned the first time with you, Captain. I won't make that mistake twice. Especially after you raised your voice at me.»

«Yeah, sorry about that-I'd forgotten that part. But you have to understand, Humans are peculiar animals with social rules of conduct that vary with each society. Some things you just don't do.»

CANAISIS ∞ Chronicle One ∞ 2:  A Captain's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now