Chapter 5

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Beast P.O.V

My demons have stayed dormant for centuries... until I met Her...

No creature or human would be ever able to reject my power except for her.... I had no choice but to see Fiona the keeper of the enchanted library and an oracle, who knows all and reads all.

I disguise my form as I walk through the kingdom of the furies appearing as an old man, they pay no attention to me.

"Greetings how may I help you?" an apprentice said, "Why hello young one, I am in search of the keeper Fiona may you guide me to her," I say as my voice is also disguised. The young fairy simply smiled and flew me over to where his master was researching.

I close the door as she stopped her work her violet eyes sparkled "why hello old friend" she said placing a noise-cancelling spell along with using a master's spell to keep intruders from entering.

"Hello Fiona"

"OH, is that how you treat an old friend you said you were going to visit me that was 175 years ago no fair!!" she huffed as she pouted

Fiona is a very powerful fairy who disguises her power with a younger more childlike form. I gave her a stern look as she rolled her eyes and transformed back to her normal state

"Ok what can I do for you?" she said smiling while seated at her floating desk.

"I need some information that only you can answer for me.... Theirs a woman"

"A woman how interesting" she grins as I clench my jaw her face immediately changes

"As I was saying, she was able to reject my power I want to know how" Fiona lets out a laugh before immediately stopping "What is she I've never heard of such magic able to stop...what is she?" she said as she flips through hundreds of books in a matter of seconds.

"She's... Human" deeply agitated Fiona freezes as she closes the book in front of her.... "Could it be..." she said as she zooms to the top of her bookshelf grabbing 5 or so books then flying down. "What is it," I said as my gaze is strong

"I believe the term is called a soulmate two individuals destined to be together," she said as she looked back at me....



The room darkens as she flies behind her chair in fear.

I leave without saying a word.

All who know of my presence are bounded by a death spell revealing me would mean their lives will be lost.

*Back at the castle*

I watched in the dark corner as her body rises and falls with each breath, she took... she was enchanting... my mind wonders to the night of the ball....


Her words played on and on in my head "I don't believe you are all bad. I was invited to the vampire's annual ball so there's a chance will never see each other again.... So, if this is goodbye then I would like you to know how thankful I am that you let the boys go today. I truly believe that you do have good in you and that maybe not all the stories about you are true. I'm truly grateful and I wish you only happiness."

Never in my 300 years of living has a creature wished me well would let alone thank me...

I tossed and turned that day as I let out a deep rippling growl... she.... She makes me feel...

"Will never see each other again."

Those words...

I stayed silent until the sent of blood is flown through the air...

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